60 Days to 60!
A Mind, Body, Spirit Journey to
Redefine Midlife & Beyond


This last year has been tough. I haven't felt well. I'm physically and emotionally run down. I've had little-to-no self care, lost muscle and body tone, and my skin isn't what I remember it to be! To be perfectly honest, I've lacked energy and felt sad and depressed at being confined to quarters. I miss community. I miss friends. I've eaten quite a bit of ice cream though.
I'll be 60 on July 7th, and I've decided to challenge myself to the best 60 I can be! I am tired of the stereotypes of women at Midlife & Beyond. I intend to change the paradigm. And I want you to come along. I am going to be journaling daily how to reset from the inside-out and the outside-in in ways that you can too!
I can't quit because this silly girl has agreed to do an artistic semi-nude photo shoot in Austin, TX for my birthday ... scars and all. I'm scared to death but I've always preached facing your fears. And like I said, it's time to change the paradigm about ageing. If I'm gonna talk the talk ...
my daily journal
I'm going to share my journey in words and pictures each and every day ... the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly! I'll tell you what I'm doing, how I'm feeling, and share tips on working from the both the Inside-Out and Outside-In.
My Team
This is way outside of my comfort zone and quite the challenge, and I'll be the first to admit: I need a team behind me! I'll be highlighting Sponsors, Guides, Products, Collaborators, and Supporters ... that you can easily tap into as well!
my answers
To YOUR questions that is! Not only would I love your support and encouragement, I'd also like to hear from you about this journey and any aspects of it you'd care to ask me about. Email me here (click the heading) and I'll post questions and answers in my Journal!
My nutrition
What I'm eating. What I 'm NOT eating. I'll share recipes, supplements, and healthy snacks! I'll even tell you what I have on my cheat days ... because I couldn't do this without cheating.
My Team & mentors
CGO's Daily Journal - 60 Days to 60!
Day 52
Early morning wake up! As I didn’t have a car, I found out that I could order Starbucks via Uber Eats! Who knew! I woke up early and worked out to another one of Jamie’s yoga classes online. That felt amazing. I ordered a Starbucks latte and egg white bites. I also had some fresh blueberries and Vital Proteins powder with Green Tea. We ordered an Uber and loaded gobs of equipment, makeup, clothing, lights, etc into the car. We were definitely on the full side. We had a long drive to the studio. We were filming at St Johns Studio, an awesome loft studio, who is a friend of Kevin’s. They were SO KIND and gifted us the studio for the entire day! AMAZING. It was the perfect backdrop for the shoot. We had a blast. Jess and I decided to start with a simpler, more natural makeup and build up to sexy and fierce over the course of the day. We ended up with a very Twiggy style of over the top 60’s makeup. That was fun! It was very alter ego between very very naked photo shoots or super sexy shoots with tiny bits of clothing like a tie or a piece of fabric. Kevin is a true artist so he was doing all kinds of fun things like fog machines and playing with all kinds of light. We also had an assistant and Mike was behind the scenes assisting as well as documenting everything via video and photography. We also had a hair person come and she was great. It was my first time with a team!!! We didn’t wrap until about 6:30pm! We were on the go the entire day. We ordered lunch out which meant I had a few bites of grilled chicken but that was about it as I was shooting most of the day. Kevin, Mike and I headed out for a nice dinner at a delicious Ramen place close to the studio. It was super healthy. I ordered a tofu, veggie ramen and some spicy edamame. Such a perfect way to end the evening. We were absolutely pooped by the end of the night. It felt great to hit the hay. AM: hot lemon water ACV Iced latte with coconut milk and stevia Celery, orange and cucumber juice. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 51
Didn’t get in until late the night before. As PDT is 2 hours earlier than Austin, I decided to sleep in. Jess was arriving later today and I was excited to see her. Jess is a celebrity makeup artist who was at FierceCon. She’s 42, is stunningly beautiful and one of the kindest humans on the planet. She’s also a makeup maestro! We decided we were going to have fun playing with makeup this go round and go very daring! I woke up and decided to do an hour long yoga class online with Jamie. She’s a fabulous yoga teacher in LA. I had forgotten how challenging her class is. It was a great way to detox and wake my body up from all the travel and late night out. Breakfast was a green tea with Vital Proteins. Starbucks almond milk latte and egg white bites. We were having a really nice dinner with Jess and Kevin, so I was saving up. Plus, I filled my fridge with lots of fresh, organic fruit along with a Golden Milk with Turmeric. I also had that for a snack with some strawberries. We met for an early dinner with Jess and Kevin and went over the plan for the shoots and the makeup. Fortunately, my bags both arrived (it’s amazing how much you have to bring for a nude photo shoot!!!) and so the shoot was on for Monday AM! I had to be ready to leave for the studio by 10, so I came home from dinner to be sure everything was organized and steamed and packed ready to go. Dinner was delicious! The hotel has an amazing restaurant. It’s true Italian. Jess and I both ordered salmon. It was to die for! We had several delicious appetizers as well. No dessert! Saving up for July 7th!!! Supplements are the same as before! I just bring everything with me! AM: hot lemon water ACV Iced latte with coconut milk and stevia Celery, orange and cucumber juice. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 50
Austin TX! Can it really be only 10 days away??? OMG! Barely slept. It was sooooo hot yesterday. 110 in Seattle. Record breaking temperatures. Funny as I thought my new home had A/C! It was 85 degrees in the bedroom at 10:30 at night. Truth is, I don’t sleep a lot these days but I’ve never slept well the night before an early morning flight. I suppose I’m always afraid I might over sleep. Not even close as I was wide awake at 4:45 am after going to bed at 11:30pm. Couldn’t fall back to sleep so I got up and did my Bar Method class. I was planning to as I had my alarm set for 5 am. It felt great to get a healthy start to the morning. I didn’t do my usual morning routine as I was fresh out of lemons as of yesterday. I’ve been juicing a lot this week and drinking loads of water with lemon and ACV. Worked out, showered, packed up and headed to the airport via a lovely taxi. It’s so weird to have not traveled in so long. Last trip was NYFW before FierceCon in summer 2019. The airport was nuts. I’ve never seen lines like I saw today. It was absolutely packed. Security took 45 minutes to clear. Luckily, I left early. Kacy suggested getting in early. She’s done a ton of photo shoots with major photos. She’s also done several nude shoots. She recommended having a day of rest which sounded good to me! Hard to believe it’s hotter in Seattle than Austin! Ready to get there and shoot with Kevin. It’s an absolute dream to shoot with a Photog of his caliber. Dreams really do come true! Dreams don’t have an expiration date! Travel days are always tough on my healthy lifestyle. I always pack some RX bars as they’re super healthy and great for travel. I drink lots of water before, during and after flights. I carry a selection of supplements with me – basically everything that I take every day and also add in Oregano Oil as it’s great to boost and protect your immune system. It’s also a natural antibiotic in case I pick up anything. I do love Starbucks egg white vegetarian bites. As it was a super early morning flight, I had my green tea with Vital Proteins after my workout and grabbed an almond milk latte, bottle of water and egg white bites along with a yogurt/granola so I had plenty of healthy food as I wasn’t getting in until dinner time. Arriving in Austin took some time as I received a text message that my bags weren’t arriving with me. One bag landed in LA. No clue how! The other bag, no idea where. It seems to be lost! Spent a lot of time at the baggage claim office to see if they had any information. They ended up letting me know they were trying to get the one bag to me at the hotel some time on Sunday. They were puzzled on the second bag as it wasn’t showing up in the system. Not good, but I’m rolling with things as they are out of my control! Took a nice taxi to the hotel. It’s super steamy in Austin! I had forgotten what it was like to live where it’s hot and humid. We had a place in Key Largo growing up and it was super hot and humid there. Great for the skin. Bad for the hair! We met Kevin at the hotel and he was nice enough to drive me to Whole Foods to pick up a few healthy supplements as well as running in to Nordstrom Rack to get a few necessities like undies and a t shirt to wear. I also picked up a yoga mat so I could work out in the room! We headed over to spend some time with Kevin’s wife, Cece. We met years ago on IG and live in person in Santa Barbara. Cece and I met when we both had Lyme Disease. She’s still dealing with this frustrating illness. We had a lot of fun and then headed out for dinner at 10pm! A little Tex Mex fish tacos, black beans and salsa. It was yummy. Oh, and some sangria which I totally deserved for this very long and a bit challenging day. Lots of fun to look forward to. Now, if my bags could miraculously arrive! AM: hot lemon water ACV Iced latte with coconut milk and stevia Celery, orange and cucumber juice. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 49
Early morning on purpose today. Woke up at 5. Meditated and had my usual lemon water with ACV. I decided to wait til after my workout with Kacy to do my juicing as I was planning to juice a couple of times today. Had to catch up on work first thing followed by an awesome workout with Kacy. She kept it short and sweet today. I’ve definitely been a little more tired lately with longer work days and less sleep. I’m amazed that I can go as many hours as I can these days. I hate to say it, but, for my age and not getting much sleep, I have a lot of energy. I pack a lot into a day! Kacy feels I’m ready. A few more workouts before shooting begins. I’m definitely feeling nervous about the shoots. I do hope all goes smoothly and I’m feeling relaxed. I know that’s the most important thing. The camera reads energy. Whatever you’re feeling, that’s what the camera picks up. Long work Fay ahead. Lots of deadlines to hit before leaving and errands to run. Getting a spray tan today. I haven’t had one since fall of 2019. I don’t do much of anything anymore but it feels good to do some self care and primping. I’m grateful to the StriVectin team for sponsoring this adventure. After my birthday and all the festivities, I’m sharing all the products I’ve been using to help my skin to look it’s best. Stay tuned for more and don’t miss my Instagram and the Forever Fierce group for announcements and fabulous giveaways! AM: hot lemon water ACV Iced latte with coconut milk and stevia Celery, orange and cucumber juice. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 48
Woke up early. I was looking forward to a session with Kacy. I’m going to miss having a trainer, especially one as fun and gifted as Kacy. Meditation and journaling. Walk with Moxie. She’s been waking up early with me. Moxie is pretty attached. If I’m up, she’s up. My little shadow. Took a shorter walk with her this morning due to time. Had to get on with Kacy. Little did I know what fun our session would be today. Kacy is very in tune with her “Goddess” energy. Today’s session was to get my feeling into my sexy, sensual side. As she said, my muscles are in good shape. Now, it’s time to begin loosening things up a bit. Today’s session felt a bit like what I would imagine a stripper or pole dancer feels like. Just a bit! It reminded me of Jacqueline DePaul at FierceCon teaching women how to fire up their “lady parts.” Kacy had me doing a lot of Beyoncé Type of moves, tapping into my Sasha Fierce side! Let’s just say, we were squeezing what she calls the “coochee coo” or who ha!!! It was fun. It was also really hard! I felt like I was hyperventilating! I do wish I could dance like Beyoncé! The rest of the day was work and finally getting to Seattle for a haircut, highlights and hair extensions. What?!? I’m late to the beauty game. My daughter has had them for years. She uses them for auditions or going out. I got them to add a pinch more fullness to my hair for the shoot. I’m only using them for special occasions. Truth is, I’m not a big primper. Most days, I’m mostly makeup free and very Boho. AM: hot lemon water with ACV Ginger, turmeric tea with raw honey (stay tuned for the recipe! Celery juice with apple and lime Iced latte, oat milk and stevia Much of the day in the car or at appointments. Seattle isn’t that far away but it’s about a 50 minute drive and another 30 minutes to the nail appointment. I’m finding my way around as I haven’t done much in the way of primping or self care in a long time! Lunch: RX bar, 2 scoops Vital Proteins Powder with Green Tea (took it on the road!) bowl of blueberries Came home late! Dinner: grilled shrimp cocktail and broccoli with lemon Supplements: I’ve been adding Ionic Minerals to water for some time. I also use Chlorophyll. I try and leave them on the country so I don’t forget. Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Designs for Health Vit D Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 47
Day 46
I completely forgot to share that I made a huge batch of homemade bone broth over the weekend. It sits on the stove simmering for 48 hours. Ready to drink up this week to load my skin with healthy collagen and my body with lots of protein. I’ll share the recipe in an E Book of my 60 Days to 60 Adventures, so stay tuned. I learned it from a top level Functional Nutritionist I worked with in LA. Early morning wake up. Meditation and walk with Moxie by the water. I love mornings now as the light is so beautiful. Sun rises before 4:30 these days. By 5, it’s glistening on the water, through my front windows. It’s absolutely surreal. My new paddleboard arrived last week. Spent some time inflating it, so I could take it for a spin this week and add to my fitness regimen. I’m a water girl. Always have been. Always will be. I was a lifeguard. We had boats on the lake where I grew up and the ocean in Florida. Waterskiing was a favorite activity growing up. I absolutely love salt water. It’s my favorite. AM: iced latte, almond milk, stevia Celery, apple, ginger juice. 3 eggs scrambled with 2 scoops Vital Protein Powder and green tea It was a Clubhouse morning and a jam packed work day. So much to do this week before heading to Austin. Afternoon: had a large bowl of bone broth Second serving of juice – celery, beet and apple Dinner: small serving of grilled chicken and broccoli Took the paddlebosrd out later in the day. The sun sets so late, that you can hit the water at 8 or 8:30pm and it’s perfect. The water was fairly calm. It’s a lot easier to paddleboard on the Sound than it is on the ocean. I learned on the ocean. It’s as difficult as it comes. I lived on Lake Tahoe for awhile. That’s a great place to do SUP – Stand Up Paddleboard. Fortunately, I was nice and balanced. No spills in the water. I’m dying to do yoga. That’s my next thing. Yoga on SUP. Supplements: I’ve been adding Ionic Minerals to water for some time. I also use Chlorophyll. I try and leave them on the country so I don’t forget. Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Designs for Health Vit D Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 45
Sorry all, I fell behind on posting. To be honest, the past couple days, I was exhausted from so many nights without enough sleep. I can go a long time without a lot of sleep and then I hit a wall. Saturday, I hit a big wall. I stayed in bed until 9 Am yesterday. This morning, even though it was a Moxie on Monday, I stayed in bed til 7:30am. That’s sleeping in big time for me! Woke up late. I skipped meditation as I had to get busy posting. Oh well, I do the best I can. I did have my hot water with lemon and fresh celery juice. As of yesterday, I’m cutting back on eating and doing more juicing and bone broth. Yesterday, I made a huge batch of bone broth. It’s an amazing way to get fresh Collagen and protein! So that’s a big part of today’s meal plan! Breakfast: Fresh juice Iced latte with oat milk and stevia Eating light today so I just had an RX bar and prepared fresh juice and drank a big bowl of bone broth. I also had a bowl of strawberries. That was it for meals today! Posted Moxie. Caught up online. Responded to emails. Met with Kevin Steele to go over shoot! Woohoo. Booked Austin hotel!!! Almost there. Spent time planning out looks for shoots. Yes, it’s mostly nude but there are still many things to plan out. Who knew there is a product called Body Blur? Yup! Jess had me order that and body makeup. Anything that’s blurring my 60 year old body is awesome in my book. I also had a call with Lesley Pedraza, the incredible photographer who trained Jacqueline. She gave me some amazing tips for posing and being relaxed. Im definitely a little nervous about doing well on the shoot. I wish I wasn’t as repressed as I’ve been sexually most of my life. I grew up in a very strict household that way. Super Catholic. Very virginal growing up. I’m ready to let that go and to let go in the shoot. As Lesley and Jacqueline say, drink a glass of wine! I’m in! Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Designs for Health Vitamin D Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 45
Sorry all, I fell behind on posting. To be honest, the past couple days, I was exhausted from so many nights without enough sleep. I can go a long time without a lot of sleep and then I hit a wall. Saturday, I hit a big wall. I stayed in bed until 9 Am yesterday. This morning, even though it was a Moxie on Monday, I stayed in bed til 7:30am. That’s sleeping in big time for me! Woke up late. I skipped meditation as I had to get busy posting. Oh well, I do the best I can. I did have my hot water with lemon and fresh celery juice. As of yesterday, I’m cutting back on eating and doing more juicing and bone broth. Yesterday, I made a huge batch of bone broth. It’s an amazing way to get fresh Collagen and protein! So that’s a big part of today’s meal plan! Breakfast: Fresh juice Iced latte with oat milk and stevia Eating light today so I just had an RX bar and prepared fresh juice and drank a big bowl of bone broth. I also had a bowl of strawberries. That was it for meals today! Posted Moxie. Caught up online. Responded to emails. Met with Kevin Steele to go over shoot! Woohoo. Booked Austin hotel!!! Almost there. Spent time planning out looks for shoots. Yes, it’s mostly nude but there are still many things to plan out. Who knew there is a product called Body Blur? Yup! Jess had me order that and body makeup. Anything that’s blurring my 60 year old body is awesome in my book. I also had a call with Lesley Pedraza, the incredible photographer who trained Jacqueline. She gave me some amazing tips for posing and being relaxed. Im definitely a little nervous about doing well on the shoot. I wish I wasn’t as repressed as I’ve been sexually most of my life. I grew up in a very strict household that way. Super Catholic. Very virginal growing up. I’m ready to let that go and to let go in the shoot. As Lesley and Jacqueline say, drink a glass of wine! I’m in! Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 44
Today, I stayed in bed until 9! That was awesome. It’s Fathers Day but still a work day for me! AM: meditation and Moxie walk Hot water with lemon and ACV Iced latte with oat milk and stevia Early morning online BarMethod Class. That felt good! Followed by 2 scoops Vital Protein Collagen and 1 scoop Thorne Creatine with Vitamin C Breakfast: 3 egg scrambled with almond milk. Side of sautéed spinach. Worked much of the afternoon on client work. Quit early and had a nice dinner. Mine was simple as I’m cutting back on big meals. I only had a grilled shrimp cocktail. It was delicious and a simple spinach salad. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 43
It’s the weekend. Woke up at 3 am and couldn’t go back to sleep. Got up at 4 to work. Started with the Insight Timer and Davidji meditation. Listened to Lee Carroll. Got several work projects out of the way and did a BarMethod Class before getting in the car by 9:30 am to head to Bellevue and North of Lake Washington. I had to visit an outdoor place for Moxie to go while I’m away in Austin. After that, over to see Julia in her new beautiful home in Queen Anne. I started with my usual lemon water and latte and was so rushed that I forgot to eat. I had to leave so I grabbed my water, vitamins and an RX egg white bar and some blueberries and hit the road. Julia made a lovely fresh salad as she went to the Farmers Market. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the Farmers Market. It was delicious. We hug out for awhile and then it was time for a long drive home. I actually came home and went to bed as I was so exhausted from waking up crazy early! Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 42
YAY it’s the weekend. Or almost the weekend! I don’t know why it matters so much as I work most every day so a week day isn’t so different from a weekend but I do try to finish earlier. Today, I was supposed to spend the day with Lana and Jacqueline. Yesterday was Jacqueline’s birthday. I was so hoping to get there but her sister lives two hours away with no traffic. Friday is a huge traffic day so I couldn’t go. Woke up crazy early. Spent lots of time listening to inspirational talks. That always starts my day off right. Meditated and then walked Moxie while listening. Great way to begin the day. It was a Clubhouse morning so I decided to do a BarMethod Recorded class today. That’s awesome to have that option as I can do it anytime I can squeeze it in. AM: hot water with lemon and ACV Celery and apple juice with ginger Breakfast: steel cut oats with raisins and walnuts and raw honey Snack: 2 peaches Today was a long work day. Tomorrow, I have to run all over Seattle and also spend time at Julia’s new home, so I had to clear lots of things off my plate. I had some filming to do for a client. Got some of that out of the way and have to finish the rest on Sunday. Lunch: Buddha Bowl quinoa with roasted veggies and tofu and soy ginger dressing. BarMethod online class recording. Did one of their Move Classes which are awesome and hard and such a great compliment to Kacys classes. Filmed til later in the day. Dinner: Roadted brick chicken on the grill with air fried cauliflower and turmeric. Mixed green salad with apple cider vinaigrette. Watched Game of Thrones on Netflix. I know nothing John Snow. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 41
Best day ever. Starting with the K Game followed by Clubhouse! Of course, that’s after early morning wake up and meditation. I had to keep it shorter today as I also had lots of work to catch up on this morning before working out with Kacy and hopping onto Clubhouse. Does anyone else feel like life is speeding up lately? I suppose after 2020 and things slowing down so much, life feels a bit extra crazy lately. I know myself well enough that I’m a Type A person with a lot of energy much of the time. A beautiful morning with Moxie. A bit cool and rainy but lovely. It definitely feels like summer is almost here. The best news is that I just received a new paddle board. Amazing. Can’t wait to try it out in the next week or so! AM: hot water with lemon and ACV Iced latte with stevia and oat milk Celery juice An hour-long workout with Kacy. So good. Laughs and hard work. The best combo. Have you checked out the 60 Days Shop? Time to load up on fabulous Kacy goodies!!! Today was a day where we did lots of leg work and ab work. I do love the leg bands. A must for most women!!! After workout: 1 scoop Thorne Creatine with Vit C 2 scoops Vital Protein powder with green tea Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with goat cheese and spinach. Avocado with olive oil. Lunch: Grilled chicken with roasted veggies and ginger soy sauce After Kacy was Clubhouse. I do think it’s great to leave your exercise equipment out for any down time on Clubhouse. I’m usually stretching or doing something some of the time while I’m listening. Today was a work day. A great day creating content and writing a lot. Lots of brand calls. I love love love how so many things are lining up organically! Dinner: Grilled halibut. Lemon butter. Grilled Asparagus Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 40
Early morning wake up once again. I suppose I would much rather be awakened by a beautiful, early morning sunrise than the opposite – darker mornings that tend to keep me in bed. I woke up to listen to an Insight Timer Meditation by Davidji. If you haven’t discovered the Insight Timer, I highly recommend downloading the App. To me, Davidji is one of the best meditation teachers out there. Both him and Michel Pascal. Michel also has an app called the Mind Dive. When I’m more pressed for time, I do Michel’s as his are quick and beautiful. Davidji’s are longer, always beginning with a personal story. There are a whole bunch of meditations on the app. Did you know Davidji is the one who created the Oprah 21 Day meditations with Deepak??? Went out to walk around the neighborhood with Moxie. As it was early, I didn’t want to start by the water in case she started barking. She’s a little minx who does tend to cause mayhem! AM: hot water with lemon and ACV Latte with oat milk and stevia Breakfast: 3 egg omelet with broccoli and tomatoes with chicken sausage Snack: Amazing Grass green drink with vitamin C powder Blueberries Today was a work day. Most days are. Wednesdays, we now have our team meetings. Did you know we have a fabulous global community on FB? I’ve met some of my closest friends over there! Many of whom happen to be on my team. We have also added some new, wonderful team members. I’m grateful to have them with us. Today was a day of creating content and working on a new redesign of our media website. Lots of exciting things in the works at the moment! Lunch: Homemade chicken soup (no noodles!) with celery, carrots, garlic and roasted chicken and a side mixed green salad with apple cider vinaigrette. BarMethod Class online today – again, if you haven’t tried one, please do! It’s affordable and an amazing workout in a short amount of time. Also, for older joints that have been pummeled a bit over the decades, it couldn’t be more perfect as it’s all low impact. I highly recommend BarMethod West Hollywood which is 60 Days to 60! Snack: 2 scoops Vital Proteins Collagen Powder in green tea Dinner: Butter chicken in Instapot. Have you ever had butter chicken? It’s extra delicious in an Instapot! It literally melts in your mouth. It’s an Indian recipe with the most delicious sauce and it’s served over jasmine rice. There is cauliflower in the butter chicken too! Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 39
Early wake up as it’s a morning with Kacy! Woohoo! I really look forward to our time together. We are on a very similar wavelength, both of us like to have fun and be silly. We work hard and play hard. She’s so strong it’s hard to believe she is 66!!! A quiet house this morning with Jacqueline gone. She’s such fun. I do hope every fierce sister gets to meet her one day! We have lots of fun things ahead including a fabulous road show so that may just happen! Early morning meditation, inspirational reading and walk with Moxie along the water. AM: hot water with lemon and ACV Iced latte with oat milk and stevia An hour long workout with Kacy that was awesome but so hard. We did tons of legs, lunges and weights. She added in some new moves today. I have learned so much from her. I started working out very young. I ran track in high school. I ran long distances throughout college. I began teaching aerobics right out of college. I have worked out with weights for what feels like forever. I’m realizing how much I love the feeling of being fit. It feels so good. I finally feel like me again and it’s happening fast thanks to Kacy and BarMethod. It’s an awesome combo! Breakfast: 2 Scoops Vital Protein Collagen with Oolong Tea 1 Scoop Thorne Creatine Powder Omelet with cauliflower and cheddar cheese and broccoli Snack: 2 peaches and mixed organic nuts Today was a Clubhouse morning. Tuesday is Midlife Mastery and it’s all about helping women master their lives by mastering themselves. I have awesome teammates – Mary Webb and Tamara Batsell. They help things run smoothly. Tamara is a badass. She’s thoughtful and incredibly intelligent. Mary is a gentle soul but also brilliant. She is like me in that she loves to do her research. We have fascinating conversations in there. Lunch: Roasted chicken with arugula salad with lemon and olive oil with some fresh parmesan cheese. Afternoon: Work, work and more work. With all the things with the 60 Days and brand work, we have had our hands full. I’m also spending some time with Kevin planning out the shoots and our time in Austin. I’m looking forward to seeing some friends while I’m there too. That should be super fun! Dinner: Time to order out! Sushi is so good when it’s delivered. Ok, I don’t love raw fish unless I’m at Nobu with Julie Bee in Malibu. That’s incredible sushi. This time, I ordered garlic edamame followed by salmon teriyaki with rice. Delicious!!! I can’t wait to have dessert again!!! Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 38
Monday mornings are always super busy. Why? Because it’s Moxie on Monday! I truly used to not look forward to Mondays. Now, I do. It’s amazing how something as simple as posting inspiration and changing your attitude on how you see something can change how you start your week. I do love Mondays! Woke up early. Ironically, Moxie slept late. She wasn’t feeling her best yesterday. She slept way more than normal and only ate one meal. Today, she didn’t eat all day and slept most of the day. That meant a trip to the vet later in the day which wasn’t planned. That also meant Jacqueline would have to take an Uber to the Tacoma train station so she could get to Anacortes to spend time with her family. Her sister bought a beautiful home there and her Dad was in town visiting. So fun for her! AM: Meditation and journaling. A shorter walk with Moxie as she had no energy. Lots of time online posting and engaging. Mondays are always days when I’m on my own to workout which meant a morning BarMethod class. They are awesome classes. I used to love going to their studio or the yoga studio. I’m finally embracing virtual classes. I definitely miss the camaraderie but not all the time spent in the car driving too and from. In WA, things are really spread out so it takes way longer to get anywhere. It’s so much easier to work out from home. I’m planning to continue virtual classes forever! Hot water with lemon and ACV. Fresh celery juice with an apple added and a bit of fresh ginger. Yum! Breakfast: 2 scoops vital protein powder with green tea Steel cut oats with almond milk, walnuts, dried cranberries and raw honey We both had to spend the day working.The plan was to take Jacqueline to Union Station but that changed. Covid changed so many things. I spent much of the day calling vets to see if I could get Moxie in to be seen. It wasn’t easy! Eventually, I made an appointment at a walk in clinic and waited 3 hours for her to be seen! After X rays, they said she was ok without anything major but she definitely wasn’t her normal self. Puppies are like having a baby. Always worrying and checking on them! Moxie is a little minx, oftentimes, eating things she shouldn’t eat which is why I thought it best to have her checked out! By the time I got home that night, Jacqueline was on her way to Anacortes. We both had blog posts and social media posts due, so we were working much of the day in between everything else. Fierce women know how to get s#*t done!!! Dinner: Brick chicken, marinated and cooked on the grill with smashed potatoes and grilled asparagus. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 37
Sunday morning. Last day of shooting! I think we were both kind of pooped but still had some more things to do. We also had some things we wanted to shoot for a couple of special sisters we adore. Woke up a wee bit later and meditated and journaled in front of the fire. That felt good. Took Moxie on a walk by the water before doing a BarMethod online workout to get that out of the way and begin working and shooting. AM: hot water, lemon ACV Latte, Oat milk and stevia 2 Scoops Vital Proteins Collagen powder and 1 scoop Thorne Creatine Powder with Vitamin C Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with ½ avocado A day full of outfit changes, photos, videos and a little fun BTS too! Lunch: GrassFed Burger, cheese, pickles and a mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette. Jacqueline had two requests from the store at first. One was GrassFed beef. Another was Kerrygold butter. Those are both very big on Keto diets which I’ve tried before. I always choose GrassFed beef anytime I can. It’s so much healthier than grain fed beef. I also love that it tastes better! Jacqueline was meeting a friend for dinner in Tacoma so we headed out in the pouring rain to get her there on time. Unfortunately, her friend gave her the wrong address, so after over an hour of driving, we can to turn around and head back to another part of Tacoma that we passed! All good, as she got to meet up with a friend she hasn’t seen since her modeling days in LA and came home super later after a fun dinner and night out. Dinner for me: Spinach salad with warm goat cheese and sun dried tomatoes with grilled shrimp. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 36
Woke up early to check on the weather. It was definitely clearing up so that meant hitting the park for roller skating. I woke up at 5 this morning even though it’s Saturday. I do wish I could sleep later but as long as I’m awake I create my own Miracle Morning practice with meditation, reading and journaling. Rarely do I have a workout with Kacy on a Saturday, but we did this morning at 8am which was awesome. We packed in a lot in about 50 minutes as we had to get showered, hair and makeup ready and pack up the car for the photo shoots! If you could only see behind the scenes for this (one day, I’ll show you!), you would crack up. The final images and video look amazing but Jacqueline and I are in a tiny Jeep that’s crammed with clothing changes, makeup bags, and roller skates along with lots of camera equipment and lights and tripods. We change in the car by sneaking down and whipping clothes around. I think we had at least 5 different outfits each today. Maybe more! We were able to fit in a lot by starting out in the Point Defiance National Park which is beautiful. We now have a brand new Go Pro and used that to film. I have only roller skated a handful of times in my life. Jacqueline skates more regularly on roller blades. Somehow, we were able to pull it off! We had a lot of fun and A LOT of takes so that counted as even more exercise! It ended up being a beautiful day. AM: hot water with lemon and ACV Iced latte with oat milk and stevia I completely forgot about breakfast and just grabbed an RX bar made of egg whites and dates for breakfast! Lunch: GrassFed Burger and mixed salad with balsamic vinaigrette Dinner: We stopped to get some fresh fish in Ruston on the water on the way home. It was time for more delicious salmon. That is my favorite. Thai salmon with roasted veggies and coconut rice and ginger soy sauce. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 35
Today was planned to be a mostly all day filming session – outdoors! Oh well! When you live in the PNW/Seattle area, rain is the boss, not us! Woke up to pouring buckets of rain. As the plan was to do our rollerskating shoots in a beautiful park setting, that plan was quickly scrapped and moved to later in the weekend, weather permitting. Roller Skating is tricky enough at our ages, especially for me, as it’s been a long time since I have roller skated, but on wet pavement, it’s impossible. Shorter walk with the Mox. She’s happy as a clam in the rain. Woke up early. Meditated, morning pages and Moxie walk. AM: Hot water with lemon and ACV Today is a Clubhouse day. I do love our Fridays on Clubhouse. It’s all about manifestation. Not in a woo kind of way but in a more practical sense of sharing things we have found that have worked. Breakfast: Organic yogurt and granola Snack: berries and nuts Lunch: Grilled chicken with broccoli and lemon butter Afternoon: Indoor photo shoots! Super fun! Jacqueline is a character. We get a lot done in a short amount of time. We had a quick deadline turnaround and were able to create a lot of wonderful shots indoors. It’s not always easy as I live in a teeny tiny home but we did it! We worked until fairly late in the day on both shots and videos. I think we got exactly what we needed! I took a BarMethod online course later in the day. The nice thing is that they record the sessions, so you can do a replay at any time of the day. That definitely helped with a busy schedule today. Dinner: Grilled fresh halibut, lemon butter, brussel sprouts and air fried cauliflower We decided to sit down and watch a movie tonight. Anytime I’m watching TV, I always try and sneak in a little extra exercise. I have my yoga mat, leg bands and weights right by the sofa so I can grab something and use the time to improve my fitness even more. That’s an easy thing for anyone to do no matter what level of exercise you’re at! Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 34
Woke up not quite as early as I’m a bit pooped with long days and a lot of work! I do love the creative side of things. I’m also realizing going to bed late and getting up super early begins to take a toll! Stayed in bed til almost 7. To me, that’s hugely sleeping in! We needed to run to the mall today. Jacqueline hilariously captured our antics on her IG stories. Believe it or not, I’ve lived her for 7 months and have not once been shopping or to the mall. Only HomeGoods which is next to Trader Joe’s! We hit the Tacoma Mall later in the day. I woke up, meditated briefly and walked the Mox. I had an early morning session with Kacy again and that was awesome. She is so knowledgeable about an older woman’s body. She knows exactly how to work your muscles so you get a beautiful shape and not overly muscular. We did a lot of upper body weights and repetitions today. That and lots of abs and some pilates/barre work too! AM: hot water with lemon and ACV Iced organic latte with almond milk and stevia Breakfast: 2 scoops Vital Proteins Collagen Powder in green tea 1 scoop Thorne Creatine in Vitamin C powder after workout Shared a late breakfast with Jacqueline. She loves eggs so we each had a yummy omelet. She can’t have dairy, so we had a cauliflower omelet with goat cheese! Today was another sponsored post day which usually takes up a chunk of time to be sure everything goes right and is engaged. That isn’t always easy to do with everything going on. I do wish I had a helper as it’s a lot to do all the social media as well as the content creation, etc. At some point, I’ll hire an assistant! Lunch: spinach salad with grilled chicken and balsamic vinaigrette Afternoon outing at the Tacoma Mall to scoop out Macy’s and Forever 21. It’s a weird experience at the mall. Definitely very quiet and masks still required! We did get a few things that we needed out of the way and lots of time to catch up and chit chat in the car too. We were starving by the time we got home. It was around 8pm. Dinner: GrassFed Burger with cheese, air fried turmeric cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 33
Woke up early again! I’m trying to be quieter than usual in the mornings as Moxie is usually up at the crack of dawn too. As we are upstairs and Jacqueline is right below, it’s a lot of clomping around noise below decks. Poor Jacqueline is on EST time while Moxie is on PST time. Moxie also loves Jacqueline, so she comes in from the beach covered in salt water and sand and usually scampers right into her room at any hour of the day. If you haven’t seen her BTS on IG this week, you might want to check it out as she has some funny videos. Walked Moxie around the hood this morning after letting her play in the water. Meditation and inspirational reading prior to the walk. Lately, on our walks, I’ll listen to inspirational YouTube videos. My favorites are by Kryon and Lee Harris. On the Insight Timer, I love Davidji! AM: hot water, lemon ACV Fresh celery juice Iced latte, oat milk and stevia Early shower, hair and makeup today as I was on a podcast with Juliet Hahn. I met her on Clubhouse. She was heading one of the biggest Podcasting Rooms and she reached out to invite me on her show. She’s lovely and fun. She’s invited me on a new venture too which I will be sharing soon as it’s out of Beta! Kacy is finally back!!! She wasn’t planning to be off for so long but internet can be funky when traveling. It was great to have her back and kicking my butt. I’m definitely feeling a lot more fit. It’s amazing as I really thought my body wouldn’t be able to respond as well as it has. I felt like I was coming back from ground zero. I used to build muscle really easily. Not as much now, but Kacy is definitely helping me find those muscles again. Also, I’m not getting so out of breath with the COPD as we do a lot of aerobics with weights. I’m getting fit and it feels great. Even Jacqueline noticed a big difference! I highly recommend the K GAME! We worked out for an hour. I could definitely feel it in my butt! We did a lot of lunges with weights and ab work. It felt so good! Breakfast: 2 scoops vital protein powder in a cup of hot green tea 1 scoop Thorne Creatine powder and Emergen C Plain organic yogurt with granola Lots of work during the day! Podcast and posting and creating campaign ideas! We also began filming today on one of the campaigns. Super fun shooting with Jacqueline. She is such a pro. I always feel honored to work with her as she totally raises my game and the overall bar. We both like to think outside the box when it comes to our shoots. Jacqueline was trained by Lesley Pedraza. Lesley and I planned to work together right before Covid hit. We are finally getting that session on the books for December of this year! Can’t wait. Lunch: Organic Turkey Burger with cheese and broccoli with lemon butter Afternoon walk with Moxie around the Sound. I haven’t had as much time to take her for long walks when the tide is out so that was lovely. Dinner: Sauteed shrimp with lemon, garlic and white wine sauce with steamed broccoli. I would usually have this over linguini but I gave up pasta and gluten at the beginning of the 60 Days. For me, I don’t have an allergy but I do feel pretty awful when I eat gluten. Even gluten free foods make me bloated and puffy. I gain weight much more easily when I eat a lot of carbs. Jacqueline is on a special diet that’s far more restrictive than mine. Mine is simply eating cleaner and cutting out the things I know don’t make me feel too well like sugar and gluten. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 32
Yikes! Busy week ahead. With double brand campaigns in the works at once, the days are getting jam packed. What a change from 2020! I’m realizing that if life had to be one one or the other when it comes to extremes, I would rather be very busy than the opposite. Balance is nice but life is difficult to balance, especially when we aren’t in control like this past year. Woke up early to a beautiful morning. I’m absolutely amazed at how much sunlight the PNW gets. It’s by far the longest daylight I’ve ever experienced. It’s very effective at making you wake up earlier than normal. From what I’ve been reading lately, there have been a lot of studies about getting up earlier and its impact on lowering depression. I have definitely not felt the least bit of depression, so I’m thinking there is something to that! AM: Walk with Moxie, Morning meditation and reading from I AM That Book. Listened to Lee Carroll’s inspirational YouTube as well. It was a wonderful message. Hot lemon water with ACV. Iced latte with oat milk and stevia Thankfully, Kacy just returned home from AZ, so I’m seeing her tomorrow and can’t wait. That means BarMethod online for me today. The best things is that I finally get to join my daughter who will be teaching tonight. She’s their demo assistant and she’s amazing at it! Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs with goat cheese, tomato and spinach. Half an avocado with 2 TBSP olive oil. I do love eggs. I always use whole eggs as there is so much benefit in the yolk. I also always buy organic, cage free eggs – they’re not full of grain and those chickens are much happier not being confined in cages. I don’t believe in following a low fat or fat free diet as we need lots of healthy fats to keep our cells working properly! It’s fun to have a sister in the house. It’s been a lonely year without events and personal connections. It feels really good to be back creating on a regular basis too! We met much of the day going over the creative content for the two campaigns we are working on. It’s a really fun one that we can’t wait to share! Lunch: Grass Fed burger with cheese. Mixed green salad with balsamic dressing. BarMethod at 6m with my girl being the demo! Although I did the Bar for over 5 years, she’s absolutely crushing it. I’m still amazed at how challenging an hour class can be when it’s so intense. Such a great class and one YOU can join too as it’s done by BarMethod West Hollywood and you can sign up on IG! Dinner: Thai salmon, coconut rice, mixed veggies and soy ginger sauce! YUM! Jacqueline doesn’t like salmon in general but she does now! Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 31
I woke up early today. Had to do a sponsored post. That always takes a lot of time. First, as always, I began with hot water with lemon and meditation. I didn’t do my morning pages today due to time. Moxie needed her morning walk and I had to post so that was the beginning of my day! Also, Kacy has been away visiting her grandkids in Arizona. She’s missed them so much. They are 2 and 4 so she was gone all last week. We tried to do some virtual sessions but the internet was too spotty. So, let’s just say that Kacy made up for lost time in no time flat. It was a killer session. Lots of lunges, weights, aerobics and huffing and puffing. It’s amazing how out of breath the COPD can make me when I haven’t been doing aerobics with weights. We worked out for over an hour today and it was absolutely brutal but so good! Breakfast: 1 scoop of Thorne Creatine Powder in filtered water with Emergen C prior to workout Oat milk iced latte with a stevia Snack: I was feeling nauseous today so I had some saltines and ginger ale. Not what I normally have but it definitely works with the nausea. I think I pushed really hard with the workout and it definitely made me feel a bit under the weather. All good, as I want to push hard! Lunch – skipped lunch today due to nausea Snack: 2 scoops Vital Proteins Powder with oolong tea Dinner: Sushi Takeout! Jacqueline and I were both super tired today. We both work long hours and have been squeezing in as much as we can in between work. Photo shoots are super fun but we did hours of them yesterday which means hair, makeup, styling ourselves with multiple outfit changes and shooting stills along with video. It’s fun but also a lot packed into a day. That meant ordering out and relaxing tonight. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Celltrient Strength and Protect Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 30
We stayed up late last night chatting and making lots of creative plans. I do love creating. So does Jacqueline. It’s really fun to create together, especially outside the box ideas. It felt AMAZING to sleep until 7am this morning. Sleeping late is so unusual for me. The daylight hours are crazy long here at the moment. I feel as if my body clock has changed from living in the PNW. It starts getting light as early as 4 or 4:30am and it stays light until about 10:30pm! Moxie couldn’t wait to get outside so the little minx basically pulled me out of bed to get her out on a long walk. It was a picture perfect morning. So darn beautiful! It’s a super sunny and warm summery day. Moxie and I took a nice long walk while I had a Facetime chat with Julie Bee. It’s hard to believe she had a double mastectomy not that long ago as she looks really healthy. Came home and did a quick meditation before jumping right into work. Jacqueline and I are filming today. I also had to get ready to be on a podcast this morning so that meant hair, makeup, etc early today. Living by the beach means many days go by without putting on makeup or doing my hair. AM: hot water with lemon Iced latte with oat milk and stevia Breakfast: oatmeal, almond milk, dried cranberries, walnuts and raw honey Snack: Blueberries Lunch: 2 eggs scrambled with ½ avocado The afternoon was spent filming a variety of shots for a client with Jacqueline. Part of the campaign involved heading to a restaurant to shoot there. So, after filming at home, we headed off to the Cliff House, a gorgeous restaurant overlooking the water, to finish the shoot and to have a lovely dinner. It’s a rare thing to go out to dinner these days as this past year was a challenge with lockdown! We had an absolute blast at dinner. The Cliff House reminds me of Kincaid’s in Redondo Beach. It’s one of my favorite restaurants in LA. This was my first time having dinner out at such an elegant restaurant. I have barely gone out at all in the past year and a half! We started with the photo shoot which involved wearing fun glasses and reading the menu along with a delicious glass of wine – for me, at least! Then, it was time for relaxation and conversation. Jacqueline is like a sister to me. Dinner: Thai grilled shrimp appetizer – Yummy! Grilled salmon with lemon butter, sauteed broccoli and a baked potato. I rarely have potatoes these days but this was such a treat. No dessert – not until my birthday when I get to celebrate big time! Supplements: Supplements: Celltrient Strength and Protect Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 29
Such a fun day as I finally get to do the BarMethod with my daughter as the demo girl! It’s so hard to be the demo girl at BarMethod. I’m SO proud of her. I did Bar for so long that it used to not feel so hard. Now, it’s hard! Woke up finally at a normal hour! 6:30am wake up. Did my meditation and morning pages. Moxie was a bit hyped up this morning. I suppose having a guest in the house, particularly someone as lively and fun as Jacqueline, adds to the energy and excitement. Moxie couldn’t wait for her morning walk, so we headed out soon after. It’s funny as I’ve never paid attention to the tides. When you live right on the water, you learn to pay attention to the tides. There is a huge swing between high tide and low tide. Low tide is when it’s best to go for long walks. They fluctuate during the days. Now, they are much earlier in the day. When we went out at 7:30, the tide was starting to head out which meant a nice, long walk in freezing cold water to take Moxie to the State Park. It was super quiet, no people, no dogs. I’m always on the hunt for seashells. Big score this morning as I love collecting teeny, tiny clam shells. They’re so cute. It’s a natural beach unlike LA where they trek the sand in from far away. That means it’s really rocky which also means it’s hard to find perfect seashells. I’m collecting them for some creative projects. AM: Hot water with lemon and ACV iced latte with organic coffee and stevia Green Tea with 2 scoops Vital Proteins Powder Breakfast: Full fat plain organic yogurt with coconut granola Had a super fun online session with Christina to try out a GuaSha product that helps to destress the facial muscles and fascia naturally. I loved working with her. We tried all kinds of wild facial exercises. I definitely felt a huge difference in my TMJ. Christina also sent me a radiofrequency device that also has LED that’s supposed to be amazing for the face, neck and check. I’ll report back on that soon. We did a video together today that is pretty hilarious. I’ll share with you soon! You’ll definitely want to reach out to her as she has so many amazing devices to help turn back the clock naturally! Lunch: 3 eggs scrambled and ½ avocado Snack: Bowl of Blueberries, macadamia nuts Evening: BarMethod Class with Maddie online! YAY! Took 1 scoop of Thorne Creatine prior to class Dinner: Baked Halibut with Lemon Butter, Broccoli with Lemon and Air Fryer Zucchini Supplements: Celltrient Strength and Protect Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Multi B Complex Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 28
Woke up early! It was a Moxie on Monday which means posting, posting and more posting in the morning. I decided to do my Moxie post about Jacqueline. After all, who has more Moxie than Jacqueline??? She’s so fun. She’s also always doing whatever she can to move mountains, and she had to move mountains to get here! We are both really excited to work on this new campaign together! Meditation and journaling AM: Hot water with lemon and ACV Celery Juice – fresh pressed A long walk with the Mox after posting and commenting! It was a rainy morning but it cleared later on in the day. Moxie loves the rain. Wet and sandy makes for a happy pup! Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with almond milk and green salad on the side. Snack: Cantaloupe Lots of work throughout the day. It’s definitely fun having a close friend in the house, especially one as easy going as Jacqueline. We both work really long hours but at very different types of jobs. We love it when we can break and do something fun and creative! Lunch: Grilled chicken breast and broccoli with lemon Snack: Venti black iced tea with stevia and biscotti (cheated as we were out and I was so hungry) Jacqueline and I decided to head out and go shopping. We didn’t know what we would be wearing for the shoots as we planned for her to get here so quickly. Once she was here, we nailed down the concepts and headed out to buy Roller Skates which set the tone for the looks. Jacqueline lives in black much of the time but we decided to have fun with color. That meant heading out to the mall. I have to be honest. I’ve lived here 7 months now and I have not gone shopping once! I was pretty unsure of the area. I would have loved to head to Seattle but I knew we would get stuck in wicked traffic and it was late in the day. Instead, we zipped over to Tacoma Mall and hit Forever 21, H and M and Macy’s. We had a blast. Didn’t eat dinner until 9pm!!! It stays light here until about 10:30pm which is kind of wild so you can lose track of time! Dinner: Grass Fed Burger with cheese and air fryer cauliflower with turmeric (recipe coming! I do hope you have an air fryer as this is amazing and so delicious! Jacqueline and I polished off every single bite!) Supplements: Supplements: Celltrient Strength Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 27
Best day ever! Jacqueline DePaul arrived in the wee hours of the morning. Actually, it was 3 am her time and just after midnight my time. It was wonderful to see her. She’s such a trooper to hop on a plane at a moment’s notice to come out to film an exciting campaign for a dream brand. We just found out late Friday that we were hired to shoot two different campaigns with a huge brand we’ve always dreamed of working with. Can’t wait to share. Today is a rest morning as we were both pooped. Slept in til about 8 am. Still early after a late night. Are you as starved for connection as we are??? Oh my, it feels so good to have a friend here after being apart and isolated for so long. AM: Hot water with lemon ACV Iced Oat milk latte with Stevia Jacqueline is on a very special diet so we eat completely differently. She’s on a very Keto diet that is solely meat, fish, chicken, fats and greens. That’s about it. My diet is super healthy but nowhere near as restrictive. Honestly, I think that would drive me mad! I love to workout. I would much rather workout so that I don’t have to watch things as carefully. As long as I give up sugar, gluten, breads and most carbs, I’m pretty good. Weight isn’t an issue for me. It’s more building muscle and toning up. Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with oat milk and avocado Snack: blueberries We spent the afternoon planning out our shoots. We had to send the concepts off to the Agent for the brand to review and approve. That was fun. Both Jacqueline and I like to create things outside of the box. We have fun thinking of different things and ways to shoot. We decided we wanted to add roller skates to the shoots, so we headed out to RollerWorld in Tacoma to try on some fun roller skates. We each picked out a fun pair – Jacqueline didn’t have a lot of choices with a size 11 shoe (you have to go up a size!) and I had to choose from the size 10’s which also only meant a few. Fortunately, my first choice was a floral pair of Cynthia Rowley skates. I bought those and Jacqueline bought a pair of silver fluorescent skates. We ended up testing them out in the roller rink and that was fun. Jacqueline roller blades regularly and she’s a dancer so she’s a natural at it. Me, I was definitely much more awkward. It was still fun and brought back memories of ice skating and weak ankles! Dinner: Sauteed shrimp in garlic lemon butter, broccoli with lemon butter and a mixed green salad with balsamic dressing. Early to bed! Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Celltrient Strength Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 26
YAY, it’s the weekend! Such a fun day as I get to have my friends over for dinner! That meant getting up early to clean the house and make sure everything was done by 5pm! Early cocktails and dinner to celebrate Julia Davis moving to Seattle! Tonight will be super fun as Julia and her husband Jim just arrived in Seattle and are moving in their new home on Monday! 6am wake up and hot water with lemon and ACV AM: Meditation with Insight Timer App and Davidji followed by quick morning pages and walk with Moxie. BarMethod class online which I love and highly recommend! Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with goat cheese and tomato Snack: 2 mandarin oranges and date bar Lunch: Grilled chicken breast and salad Afternoon – house cleaning burns a lot of calories, doesn’t it? It does for me! I have to admit that I don’t love to clean house but I do love having a clean house! Between Moxie’s fur and living at the beach, it means constant house cleaning! Dinner: Appetizer – fresh King Crab Legs with lemon butter Thai salmon with coconut rice and grilled veggies along with soy ginger sauce Dessert – fresh berries with fresh whipped cream YUM! Oh, and wine tonight. I did skip the Sangria, too much sugar for my current healthy lifestyle but I did have 2 glasses of Viognier, my favorite white wine. Supplements: Celltrient Strength Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 25
Woke up super early. Meditated, did my morning pages and then had a call from Kacy letting me know that she wasn’t feeling well. She’s such a badass, that it takes A LOT to keep her down. That meant a quick sign up for the Bar Method Express Class that kicked my butt last night. I know the second Covid vaccine crushed me for days. It’s definitely going around. Fortunately, I have an awesome back up plan, not quite Kacy and her K Game which is the BOMB, but I’ve always loved the Bar classes for tushy tightening and body elongating. I started the morning with my usual, hot water and lemon. I’ve had to lay off the juicing the past few days as I’ve been dealing with a lot of nausea. I guess it’s another Covid vaccine side effect. I made a switch in the coffee department. I started drinking coffee late in life, like really late in life. I guess I’m a late bloomer in so many ways. I do love my one cup of coffee, Today, I tried the Trader Joe’s Cold Brew with some oat milk and a bit of stevia over ice. I whipped out my paper straws (rarely do I use a plastic straw or drink water bottles as I do love protecting our environment and I’m all in on sustainability!). I have to say, it was a delicious and refreshing coffee drink. Just the right amount of caffeine and it was even Organic which is always high on my list. Next, I took my Celltrient Strength and Protect followed by a B 12 from Thorne. That always gives me just the right boost while protecting my cells. Aging takes place in our cells. I’ve been working on cellular health for a very long time, both in what I eat and in what I think! A late breakfast was plain, organic, full fat yogurt topped off with Coconut Almond Granola, again, an organic one from Trader Joe’s that’s super yummy. It was the perfect amount and not too filling. Snack was fresh watermelon. Yum. I do love it when warmer weather rolls around and farmer’s markets begin to open up. I love popping into farm stands. For me, the fresher, the better.Day 24
Woke up. Took Moxie out to the beach. Sat and did my morning pages and a little meditation and beach walk with Moxie. It’s so beautiful living on the water. Such a dream. Now, to make the second part of my dream come true! To write a book. I loved the book, A Gift From the Sea. It’s right by my bedside. Ever since, I read that book, I’ve wanted to write a book by the sea. Now, I’m going to! It was a super busy work day. Today, was all about launching the Clubhouse website! We are almost there! Woohoo 3 and a half days of work and counting. Lots of time on Clubhouse too. I have to admit that I’m really enjoying my time there making new connections and deepening existing ones. Ever since the beginning of my time on the Clubhouse App, I’ve always set up my yoga mat as I do double duty during that time when I can. I’ll do planks and lots of my Bar Method exercises. I’ll also do some yoga. The nice thing is that when you aren’t speaking on stage, it’s a great time to use it for some additional exercise! Breakfast: hot water with lemon Celltrient Duo – 2 Strength 2 Protect Skipped coffee today. Still a bit of nausea from the second vaccine. Had some sparkling water with a little concentrated Pomegranate juice and fresh squeezed lime juice. Breakfast was 2 scrambled eggs, free range organic, with a little goat cheese, cauliflower, tomatoes and spinach with half an avocado. Snack: a handful of macadamia nuts. I always take an Omega 3 Supplement when I’m eating nuts or something that’s fat soluble. 2 Omega 3 Capsules and Multi, B Lunch, Spinach Salad, walnuts, cranberries, apple and homemade balsamic vinaigrette. Snack: Trader Joe’s Date Bar Exercise: A 6pm Bar Move Class that was killer! I was so sore afterward but not too sore that I walked about 50 minutes around the Sound with Moxie after class. That felt amazing! There’s nothing like time in nature to lift your spirits. Plus, Moxie is a ball. She’s the life of the party. If only every woman could embody Moxie’s MOXIE-Ful spirit. She is full of herself in the best possible way. She thinks every human and pup should adore her. She has a constant smile on her face with the most infectious positive energy. Dinner: Grilled Shrimp Salad with mixed greens, sun dried tomatoes, pistachios and a homemade citrus vinaigrette.Day 23
Woke Up not feeling my best. Had a 7am training session with Kacy so I know she would be bringing her K game. Started off with Morning pages and a nice meditation. Skipped coffee and the fresh juice. Took my Celltrient combo, Strength and Protect, as it always gives me some energy. Kacy was on it today! OMG, I was dying. I didn’t want to let her know but it was really hard and we did a full on hour without a minute stopping. I do love her workouts. I love her attitude even more. She radiates the most positive energy every single time. Plus, she’s fun and silly like yours truly. The time usually goes fast. Once we finished, I had a 2 hours session I had to lead on Clubhouse followed by some very important brand calls. So, let’s say that by 3:30pm, I was WIPED. That meant taking a 2 hour nap, so I could function. I happened to take my temperature and it was 100.2! I rarely run a fever as my body temperature is crazy low. I run at 96 most of the time. I know, paramedics think I’m dead! I was so feverish today. I have to say that I felt like a total badass to accomplish as much as I did with a fever and heavy duty nausea along with a wicked headache. In googling Covid vaccine 2, this was right in line with the symptoms. Today, I was totally off my diet. I lived on saltines (I’m gluten free except for those when I’m nauseous – they are lifesavers! Along with some ginger ale.) That was it for the day.Day 22
Today was a Moxie on Monday. I never loved Mondays but now, I do. I see this day in such a new light. It is all about our attitude, isn’t it? Life really is what we make of it. I love Wayne Dyer. He was my first teacher on this path of personal development. He always said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” He was so right. I woke up to do my Morning Pages. I do love getting the gunk out first thing in the morning. Morning Pages were started by Julia Cameron in her book, The Artist’s Way. The idea is to write in a journal when you first wake up, before your brain and mind begin to kick in, so that your subconscious is unloaded without effort via automatic writing. We did A LOT of automatic writing in my Master’s program. It’s writing without thinking. Hot lemon water, always! Latte, almond milk, stevia Celltrient Combo – 2 Strength, 2 Protect B12 Breakfast: Omelet – spinach, tomato and goat cheese with avocado and a little white wine vinegar. I love eggs in the morning. It’s such a healthy way to wake up. Omega 3 and multi plus B Snack: Mixed nuts, apple BarMethod Class Dinner: Grassfed burger, organic swiss cheese, pickles and a bit of ketchup. I do love my ketchup Dessert: Frozen fruit bar – Trader Joe’s Yum And 2 pieces of dark chocolate. I can’t live without my dark chocolate!Day 21
Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 20
Woke up early. Couldn’t sleep. Too much work these days. My mind has been racing. I downloaded a new Sleep App called WAVES. I loved this one teachers voice. It was super deep and hypnotic. I listened to that in the middle of the night. I also listened to Kryon – a channel that I love and went to see right before Covid hit last year. I always feel more upbeat when I listen to inspirational people. Meditation and morning pages. AM – hot water & lemon Iced oat milk latte with stevia Workout with Kacy. So good. So hard. Laughed a lot. She’s awesome. Highly recommend working with her. It’s wonderful to have someone who understands the physiology of an older woman. It’s also awesome that she’s super upbeat and positive. No complaints. No excuses. If you can only get a couple of Kacys gadget recommendations, I highly recommend the stretchy bands as I put them on when I’m watching tv to squeeze in extra exercise. I also love the weighted bar as there is so much you can do with it. Vital Proteins, oolong tea and creatine powder Lunch: Grilled chicken and broccoli with lemon Snack: Almond butter and nut thins Dinner: Lentil soup and mixed green salad. Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 19
I had a session with my Naturopath to go over my health, bloodwork & to add some things to the mix. I’ve been using Alternative & Integrative Medicine for 30 years now. I rarely go to a traditional MD now – only if I have to or I need bloodwork. I’ve had huge success with more holistic means. My Naturopath is in Orange County outside of LA. She was also the most amazing Cranial Sacral Therapist & Acupuncturist. I could go to her and hit all 3 areas at once. Her name is Dr Suzanne Tang and she runs Coastal Acupuncture. She’s so worth the drive and she does phone or Zoom too! We talked about how it’s harder to build muscle at 60 so she added a scoop of Thorne Creatine to the mix. She also added Vital Protein Collagen Powder. Kacy loves that brand too. So, now after hot water with lemon and ACV and my morning workout, I drink each one. The Vital Proteins, I’m adding with a cup of Oolong Tea. It blends better with hot water and Oolong Tea is a better metabolic burner than Green Tea. Morning Workout – BarMethod Bar Moves Class Breakfast: plain yogurt with granola and berries Snack: date bar Lunch: 3 egg omelet with spinach, tomato and cauliflower ½ avocado 2 tbsp olive oil Dinner: Ordered out Sushi, edamame & miso soup. Yum Supplements: Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life Extension Thorne Vitamin D 10,000Day 18
YAY a Kacy morning to look forward to some butt kicking! Early wake up. Lemon water & ACV Celery juice Oat milk latte with stevia K Game Strong! We did a lot of weights, aerobics and squats today. It hurt so good. Kacy really pushes me to my limit. I think back to running 15 miles every Sunday long ago. I could easily run 15 miles. I could run a 6 minute mile back then! 60 is definitely different! Not bad but different. I’m adding Kacys favorite workout 🏋️♀️ items to my 60 Days Shop. I highly recommend picking up a few things to workout at home. We will be adding some group workouts with Kacy soon! Breakfast: Steelcut oatmeal with coconut milk, dried cherries, raw organic walnuts and brown sugar. Snack: ½ cantaloupe Lunch: Grilled chicken breast and spinach salad Dinner: Butter chicken – slow cooked Indian chicken over coconut rice. Delish!!! Integrative Therapeutics CoQ10 Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 17
Lemon water Celery juice ½ latte Scrambled eggs with almond milk Spent the day cleaning house. So excited to have friends over for dinner. No workout today. I suppose cleaning the house is a workout. It is for me, especially with so much Moxie hair and sand everywhere! Dinner was early. Grilled shrimp cocktail Thai salmon Coconut rice Sautéed veggies Wine Yum Supplements: Integrative Therapeutics CoQ10 Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life ExtensionDay 16
Ahh the weekend. Slept a little later today after a night out. I do love a glass of wine but I don’t always love how it feels the next day! I’ve always been a lightweight. Took it easy today. Weekends are always off with Kacy. Morning meditation, morning pages and a walk with Moxie. It feels so good to be closer to nature again after the last test of lockdown. I love living on the water as it’s been a lifelong dream. AM: lemon water with ACV Oat milk latte with stevia. Omelet with broccoli, tomato, goat cheese and 1/avocado. Lunch: A large bowl of lentil soup made in my favorite VitaClay. Snack: macadamia nuts and apple. Dinner: Grilled chicken breast, sautéed spinach and brown rice. Supplements: Integrative Therapeutics CoQ10 Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life Extension Day 17 4/28 Lemon water Celery juice ½ latte Scrambled eggs with almond milk Spent the day cleaning house. So excited to have friends over for dinner. No workout today. I suppose cleaning the house is a workout. It is for me, especially with so much Moxie hair and sand everywhere! Dinner was early. Grilled shrimp cocktail Thai salmon Coconut rice Sautéed veggies Wine Yum Supplements: Integrative Therapeutics CoQ10 Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life Extension Day 18 4/29 YAY a Kacy morning to look forward to some butt kicking! Early wake up. Lemon water & ACV Celery juice Oat milk latte with steviaDay 15
First day going out in Seattle to meet friends. Covid has been so strange. I can’t believe I’ve lived here 6 months and this is my first time going out to dinner in Seattle. Today I was off schedule on eating. I’ve been dealing with lots of nausea lately. Feeling like I did when I was pregnant with morning sickness. That meant waking up to skip coffee and instead eat some saltines to settle my stomach. That and ginger ale. Funny, those were my childhood cures for nausea. Started with a Bar Method Express workout. I’m amazed at how challenging a 45 minute class can be. Definitely still working to get anywhere close to how fit I used to be. Lots of water. Water is so simple yet so important for health. Although, Kacy said right before photo shoots, she cuts way down on her water consumption. I guess it makes a big difference in how your muscles “pop.” I’m not there yet but still lots of time left to meet my goals. Had an early dinner at an outdoor cafe near Pikes Place. Starter with a delicious appetizer of Brussel sprouts. Can’t believe how much I love Brussel sprouts. Followed that up with a yummy mixed green salad with pears and delicious grilled salmon. Oh and a glass of white wine. Just one to celebrate a night out with the girls. Supplements: Integrative Therapeutics CoQ10 Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life Extension.Day 14
Woke up early. Journaled and morning pages. Took Moxie out for a wonderful walk. Beautiful start to the day. Lemon water. Celery & beet juice combo. Did you know Beet Juice is loaded with nitric oxide? It’s also hugely healing for your gut! Latte, organic cold press coffee, oat milk & stevia. Yum. 8am workout with Kacy. She was in a hilarious mood. As she said, she was bringing her K Game. And did she ever. Kacy is crazy fit. She pushes me super hard. I have to say I love it. It’s hard to believe she’s not only 66 but she also had her hip replaced last year! She’s the Badassy Sassy Bionic woman! We tend do laugh A Lot. And we swear. She has a potty mouth just like me! Have you seen the latest talk show with Kacy??? Mike has been adding intros with outtakes. There’s so much fun before and during the show. We were laughing about how much we love to swear! It only took me 50 years to say the “F” word! Brene Brown says it’s hugely healing. I believe she’s right! We did a lot of leg and booty work. I’m looking forward to having a booty again. It’s funny that things like that make me happy. I love feeling strong. Getting there little by little. I feel like I spent so much of the past year on my tush. No more smushy tushy. Let’s be real! It’s a hell of a lot harder to have a beautiful firm tushy at 60 than even at 50! Hormones are definitely different. Lunch: Oatmeal with almond milk & nuts, dried cherries, raw honey. Yum Snack: Hummus & Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Crisps. Where was cauliflower most of my life? I had no idea how delicious it is! I use it in everything – from air fried with turmeric to butter chicken to omelets. More recipes coming soon! Dinner – grilled chicken smashed potatoes and asparagus – I love smashed potatoes. Have you tried them!? Will share how to make them on a reel. Recipe booklet too! Supplements: Integrative Therapeutics CoQ10 Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Green Tea Extract ZenWise B Vitamins Dinner: Digestive Enzymes ZenWise Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life Extension.Day 13
Woke up to a beautiful morning. Golden glow on the water. I was never a morning person for most of my life. That was until the last 7 years or so. Now, I have a hard time sleeping in but I also like to stay up at night and read. I suppose I’m a bit of an energized bunny. I have so much energy. I have a lot to burn off most days. Began with Morning Pages, meditation and a beach walk with Moxie. The tide was in, so we took a longer walk through the neighborhood. I like to listen to Clubhouse much of the time. I always find really interesting rooms and inspiring conversations. AM: hot water with ACV and lemon Skipped juicing today. Trader Joe’s Organic Cold Press Coffee, oat milk and stevia over ice. It’s better than a Starbucks iced latte and it’s low cal too! I/2 cantaloupe & 3 eggs scrambled with ½ avocado Lunch: Turkey burger, Swiss cheese & spinach salad Light stretching on the yoga mat throughout the day. I tend to leave it out, so I’ll hit it during the day to stretch. Dinner: Grilled shrimp cocktail Grilled mixed veggies over quinoa Supplements: rapeutics Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Green Tea Extract ZenWise B Vitamins Dinner: Digestive Enzymes ZenWise Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life Extension.Day 12
Woke up super early. Did my morning pages and meditation. Hot water with lemon, celery juice. B12 Fiber Drink: Filtered Water, Vitamin C and Acacia Fiber Kacy had her K Game on today. She’s introduced me to incorporating bands into my workouts. I’m loving them. I’ve learned so much from her. It’s not about how long you workout. It’s about the quality of the workout and how many muscles you’re working at once. Kacy is all about elongating the body along with doing lots of intense isometric repetitions that you really feel in your muscles. She does a killer ab workout that I love. She also always has me doing lots and lots of squats and lunges. I have wicked knees. I blew my knees out when I was 45. I had knee surgery and the surgeon told me that I was done running forever. He said that my knees were bone on bone. That means no cartilage. Fortunately, I did stop running (I mourned running like a lost child) and took up non impact exercises like yoga and Bar Method. I love both. After the workout, it was time to hop on Clubhouse. Today, was a full day as we were working on laying out everything for our new Clubhouse website. Lots of exciting things happening. Lots of announcements to come! Breakfast was an oat milk latte with stevia followed by organic steel cut oats, almond milk, and mixed nuts, dried cranberries and a little brown sugar and raw honey. Delish! Lunch was homemade lentil soup loaded with veggies. Lentil soup is delicious and filling. It’s loaded with fiber so you don’t get hungry. It kind of fools you into thinking you pigged out, when you ate something super healthy. Dinner: Walk with Moxie Dessert: Dark chocolate almonds and a frozen fruit bar. Yum!Day 11
Day off! Slept a little later today. Woke up to overcast skies. A grey day. Kind of normal in the PNW. Lately, it’s been burning off in the afternoon. Meditation & morning pages. Online BarMethod Class – I highly recommend signing up for Barre classes. BarMethod is the bomb. I do the BarMethod in West Hollywood @barmethodweho on IG. It’s super affordable via online. They always have a great special to try it out. It will definitely lift your tushy and whip you into shape quickly. It’s a great compliment to Kacy’s workouts. She does a TON of isometric exercises with lots of repetitions. She understands the physique of women 40, 50 and 60 plus. She knows how to get the most bang of of the exercises. Breakfast: Plain Organic Yogurt, Coconut Granola & fresh organic raspberries. Snack: Trader Joe’s Date Bar Lunch: Grilled chicken breast & roasted veggies – peppers, zucchini, squash, onions and garlic Dinner: Grilled Shrimp Cocktail Grilled King Salmon with brown rice & sautéed spinach with lemon Supplements: AM: Added CoQ 10 for energy – Integrative Therapeutics Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Green Tea Extract ZenWise B Vitamins Dinner: Digestive Enzymes ZenWise Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life Extension.Day 10
Sore sore sore. Woke up sore. What I’m realizing about turning 60 is a vastly different from turning 50. I’m also realizing it’s going to take more work particularly on the nutrition and exercise front to get myself in the shape where I’m confident enough to show my naked body. AM: Did morning pages – basically unloading some inner critics. I think there is a big bash inside my head featuring some chatterbox monkeys. Those darn monkeys. They love to tell me how small I am. Thank God for morning pages to get that gunk out first thing. Started with lemon water. Celery juice Latte 2 mandarin oranges snack Lunch scrambled eggs broccoli spinach tomato with a little cheese Avocado Snack – apple mixed nuts Dinner – grilled shrimp Spinach salad Dessert – peach frozen fruit barDay 9
Rough night which meant waking up to a low energy day. Insomnia has a way of crushing my energy. Days like this call for some Grace. That and a nap which is what I did midday. Oy, that felt so good! I’ve been dealing with insomnia most of my life. Menopause definitely kicked things up. As my hormones crashed, so did my sleep. I’m now on a lose dose of HRT, progesterone which stopped my hot flashes and an estrogen patch that has helped immensely. I know I need to get off of electronic devices before bed. I’m working on that. I’ve added blue light blocking glasses in the meantime. Morning pages & meditation to begin. AM: Hot water with lemon celery/beet juice Oat milk latte Late Breakfast/Early Lunch – Quinoa bowl with roasted veggies – brussel sprouts, carrots, radishes, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli with my secret sauce! Late Afternoon: BarMethod Express Class online 45 minutes. I’m grateful to my daughter who is one of the demo instructors at the Bar Method. I did it for about 5 years and took a break. It’s great to be back. I used to do much longer workouts. It’s amazing how a 45 minute Barre routine can be so tough. I love it! Following class – hour long walk around the Sound with Moxie. Dinner: Chicken thighs in the InstaPot with homemade teriyaki, brown rice and broccoli. Yum. Recipe coming! Lots of water with chlorella and liquid minerals Supplements: AM: Added CoQ 10 for energy – Integrative Therapeutics Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Green Tea Extract ZenWise B Vitamins Dinner: Digestive Enzymes ZenWise Sleep: Melatonin, Biotics Research Neuro 5 HTP Plus and Neuro Mag by Life Extension.Day 8
Another early morning wake up. There is nothing like waking up living on the water. This morning, there was the most beautiful golden glow across the Sound. When I wake up, I can see the water from my bedroom window. My home is tiny. But it looks like it’s floating on the water. Ever since I read, “A Gift From The Sea,” it’s been my dream to live on the water. I love it when dreams live in your mind and your heart, and then, they materialize into reality. We’ve been chatting a lot about Manifestation on Clubhouse lately. It seems to be a huge topic of interest. One I love to talk about. It’s such fun to manifest into your reality. It’s even better to know that we hold that power. AM: hot lemon water with ACV Celery and Beet Juice Fiber Drink – Acacia Fiber, Emergen C and Collagen Blu Oat milk latte with stevia Artists Way & Meditation Walk with Moxie Yoga workout with lots of stretching for those sore muscles! Just what my body needed today. Lunch: Spinach salad with pears, walnuts, radishes and a pear vinaigrette.½ avocado A few squares of dark chocolate with hazelnuts. Dinner: Buddha Bowl with grilled shrimp, mixed grilled vegetables and quinoa with a soy, rice vinegar dressing. Delicious! You can find the recipe below! It’s the best ever! Buddha Bowl: Ingredients: Quinoa Mixed veggies – red peppers, pea pods, carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes ¼ c Olive oil Lemon juice from one lemon 1 tsp Chili powder 1 tsp Lemon pepper 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp tajine seasoning 4 cloves chopped garlic Optional dressing below: Trader Joe’s frozen shrimp, raw and uncooked 1 lb Marinate shrimp in olive oil, lemon juice & spices Sauté the shrimp with the marinade and you can add a little white wine while cooking on the stove. Don’t overcook the shrimp. Watch carefully. Cook about 3 to 5 minutes. Prepare quinoa according to package. Spread vegetables on sheet pan & drizzle olive oil and salt and pepper and roast at 410 until outside begins to carmelize – lightly browned – it will take at least 30 minutes and up to 45. Place quinoa in bowl. Arrange vegetables and shrimp on top. Top with dressing. See below. Cat’s Secret Dressing: Ingredients: 2 inch piece chopped ginger 3 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro 1 Tbsp brown sugar 6 Tbsp Rice vinegar 3 Tbsp Soy Sauce 2 Tbsp Sesame oil Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and let sit for at least an hour to marinate. Enjoy. Careful – the dressing is like crack cocaine (ok I’ve never had crack cocaine – hehe) let’s just say it’s so crazy yummy and highly addictive. I make a triple batch and keep it in the fridge to drizzle on everything! My Functional Nutritionist got my hooked on Buddha Bowls. She initially had me making them for breakfast. They’re a perfect food, combining protein and loads of veggies. Filling but light on calories. Supplements: AM: Added CoQ 10 for energy – Integrative Therapeutics Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Green Tea Extract ZenWise B Vitamins Dinner: Digestive Enzymes ZenWiseDay 7
“The best way to take the fear out of aging is to age fearlessly.” – Catherine Grace O’Connell
We’ve had a few days in a row of summer like weather in the Pacific NW … 70’s, sunny, just beautiful. Since today was an off day from Kacy, I decided to take a long walk with Moxie around the Sound. When it’s low tide, it feels like you can walk forever. There are clam shells and sand dollars everywhere. It’s dreamy for a water loving Cancer like yours truly. Moxie loves her long walks in the Sound. There are playmates everywhere. Everyone seems to know Moxie! She always comes back looking like a scraggly, junkyard dog – think wet, dirty mop! What I’ve learned is a messy, dirty pup is usually a happy pup and that’s really all that matters. I began the day super early today with a 6am wake up. Since I began the Artist’s Way, one of the rules is to begin the day with Morning Pages. It’s almost like meditation via a journal. There’s very little thinking involved. It’s a wonderful way to clear out the subconscious in an unfiltered way. It’s more automatic writing than your typical journaling process. It’s been a wonderful accompaniment to 60 Days to 60! Like anything else, initially there’s some resistance. Changing patterns or adding new things on a daily basis takes practice. That’s the best part. With the Artist’s Way, Morning Pages aren’t a choice. They are a must and that’s exactly what I needed. Something I was making a daily commitment to do. It’s been hugely rewarding. I’ll admit I’m a lifelong insomniac. I don’t get a lot of sleep yet I’m finding that I have A LOT of energy for an almost 60 years young woman. I get a lot of sh*t done in a day and I really believe it’s because I take care of myself. I know I fell off a bit the past year but, even then, my falling off track is still pretty darn good. I love a challenge and this 60 Days has fired me up to keep feeling better and better. AM: Meditation, Artist’s Way, a walk with Moxie Hot lemon water, oat milk latte with stevia Snack: Sliced Pear Late Breakfast: Plain Kefir blended with mango and MCT oil. Supplements: Omega 3, Multi, Acacia Fiber, Emergen C, Collagen Blu (All supplements will be available shortly in the 60 Days Shop! Stay tuned!) Snack: Macadamia nuts and raspberries Late afternoon workout: I pulled out the yoga mat and used some of the exercises Kacy taught me. One thing I’m loving are the elastic bands. They push your muscles. I also loved a mat series she taught me using 5lb weights. It’s a fun series that took me a bit to get down. Now that I have it down, I love it. Dinner: Roasted chicken on the grill, 2 smashed potatoes with garlic, shallots & Parmesan. Roasted Brussel sprouts. Mango fruit bar Mag Calm & Melatonin & 5 HTP for sleep.Day 6
Whew!!! A day off. Woke up super sore. Yesterday was one tough session. The lesson I’m learning is quality of exercise over quantity. I suppose that’s a lifelong lesson, isn’t it? The magic or the pain – you need both – happens when you isolate each muscle and work it to its max. My legs were shaking and quaking yesterday. I have to admit that I love the feeling of achy muscles. It means my body is changing. That’s hugely motivating to me. I’ll admit I’m surprised by the effect of only a few workouts. Again it’s not the quantity but the quality. Kacy manages to pack so much punch into an hour. It’s like multiple workouts at once. Let’s just say when Kacy brings her K Game she’s not messing around m! I love that I’m never bored as I don’t know what’s coming next. It’s fun. It’s challenging. Kacy could kick a 20 year old’s ass and that’s inspiring and empowering. I started the day down by the beach with my Morning Pages followed by meditation and some yoga stretches. Moxie was particularly needy this morning so I decided to do them by the water. A group of seals were out in force making all kinds of noise barking and barking. The water was so peaceful. The sun was rising and it was simply perfect. AM: The usual hot lemon water ACV and celery beet juice. Boring, I know, but it feels so good to start the day with fresh juice. Latte – coconut milk & coffee with stevia and cinnamon Snack – fresh Pineapple Lunch – a yummy salad with spinach, walnuts, dried cranberries and homemade ACV dressing with chopped Granny Smith apple. Snack – mandarin oranges and macadamia nuts. Dinner – turkey burger, Swiss cheee, mixed sautéed veggies and homemade sweet potato baked fries One glass of wine to celebrate the end of week 1 Cheers to that, Beauties! An hour long walk by the water with Moxie was the perfect ending to the day – tides out which means Moxie is covered in wet sand and salt water by the end. Stinky but in heaven. Supplements: AM: Added CoQ 10 for energy – Integrative Therapeutics Thorne B 12 Methylcobalamin Probiotic – Physicians Choice 60 Billion Lunch: 2 omega 3 – Arazo Nutrition Garden of Life Raw Multi Green Tea Extract ZenWise B Vitamins Dinner: Digestive Enzymes ZenWiseDay 5
I woke up early to get my Morning Pages done. I spent part of the time with Moxie down by the water. It was so peaceful. It’s the perfect time to slip in some meditation while Moxie is busy entertaining herself. What’s more grounding than meditation in the midst of Mother Nature? AM: hot lemon water ACV Celery and Beet Juice ½ cantaloupe Had a morning session with Kacy that was AWESOME! For once I wasn’t sore. I also got to test out some new toys including Gliders. Have you ever tried Gliders? OMG, they are so hard. It’s a full body workout where you are using every single muscle. Even though I started working out very young – track in highschool, long distance runner all through college until my mid 40’s and even taught aerobics! – I’m learning so many new things with Kacy. She is constantly changing things up so you never know what to expect.Kacy has some amazing tricks up her sleeve. I’m learning so many exercises I’ve never done before. What I love most is Kacy makes it fun. She pushes me to the limit but she’s always highly motivating. She’s also super positive. She uses very empowering language. She also busts out laughing and singing during sessions. That is the best! I’ll admit some of the exercises are awkward at first. She’s like a graceful swan and I’m like a total clunk. Truly. I never thought of myself as uncoordinated but these days I do although today, things began to click. It was super fun. I’m also beginning to notice a change in my body ALREADY which is AWESOME! Those squishy places are beginning to tighten up. The thing about turning 60 isn’t just the age, it’s the hormonal changes on your body, your skin, your hair, your sleep, your Buddha belly or menopot as they say. That’s why women like Kacy at 66 are Badass!!!! With a hip replacement too! She’s like the Bionic Woman. I highly recommend checking out Kacy and all she has to offer. Stay tuned for some group workouts she’ll be leading in Forever Fierce on the way to my 60th Bday and reveal!!! Breakfast: Smoothie: Coconut Water, Isagenix Vanilla Protein Powder, Frozen Pineapple and a fist full of spinach with 2 TBSP MCT oil. Lunch: Homemade Lentil Soup. (Recipes coming soon!) Snack: Honeycrisp apple Dinner: Grilled salmon with lemon butter and sauteed broccoli. 2 squares dark chocolate Supplements: 2 0mega 3 capsules and one Garden of Life Raw Multi Probiotic – 2 TBSP Raw sauerkraut Thorne B 12 Thorne Vitamin D-10,000 Life Extension Neuro Mag – before bedDay 4
I started the Artist’s Way again this week. It’s been a long time since I’ve done Morning Pages and Artist Dates. I had my first class and met my fellow creatives. It was super fun and an early 60th birthday treat from my daughter. The idea behind the Artist’s Way is to clear out the inner clutter that builds up – the icky stuff we tend to store in our subconscious. Morning pages are like a roto rooter for the gunk. You don’t think. You just write and out it pours. It’s a process called Automatic Writing. We used it regularly during my Masters program as it has huge psychological benefits. It’s one of the best ways to find things going on inside you may not be aware of. To me, it’s the best part of the Artist’s Way. I’m also loving my morning meditation. I’ve been waking up super early these days. Not intentionally as much as I can’t go back to sleep. So, I’ve decided to use that time to start my day with a bang. A perfect accompaniment to the 60 Days, especially the Mind & Spirit parts. After all, it’s all connected. The biggest part of my “diet” this month isn’t really dieting. It’s just cutting out the things I know aren’t so good for me. I loved my gluten free toast in the morning but I’m letting go of anything like that. Even gluten free pasta and bread make me puff up. I’m cutting out all of it and that feels good. I woke up to an early session with Kacy. It’s a love hate thing like most exercise for me. I love love love Kacy. I love how she pushes me. Sometimes I hate how much it hurts or how out of breath I am these days, but I love feeling my muscles perk up again. They’re waking up and starting to fire up again. There’s nothing like the feeling of being in shape. Kacy is a huge inspiration. She had a hip replacement during Covid lockdown and she never complains. She’s a positivity law of attraction mindset chick. We have lots in common. Kacy has been increasing the aerobic activity with the isometrics and light weights. Every workout hits all areas, glutes, arms, abs and legs. It’s amazing how tough a one hour jam packed workout can be. Kacy has a fabulous Facebook Group and some awesome videos that allow you to do much of what I do with her at home. Be sure to join her FB Group. She’s also going to be doing some special group workouts in Forever Fierce too! AM: the usual hot water with lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar. Thorne B12. Fiber drink: Emergen C with a tablespoon of Acacia Fiber and a packet of Collagen Blu mixed into a glass of filtered water. . I love this drink as it serves multiple purposes. It fills me up, boosts my immune system, loads my tummy with healthy prebiotic fiber and I get my collagen boost for those creaky knees. Breakfast: steel cut oats, almond milk, raw honey, dried cranberries and pistachios. Slow cooked and so delicious and filling. 2 0mega 3 capsules and one Garden of Life Raw Multi Probiotic Lots and lots of filtered water. I like to add liquid chlorophyll some of the time. I’ll be sharing multiple things I add to water to get some extra benefits while being sure I’m hydrated. Snack: Watermelon Lunch: small grass fed burger and broccoli with lemon. Dinner: Grilled Shrimp Cocktail and Spinach Salad with Goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, and pine nuts and homemade balsamic mustard vinaigrette. Dessert: frozen mango barDay 3
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver
I woke up to a beautiful, quiet morning. It’s still early spring here in the Pacific NW. Mornings tend to be a little foggy with a bit of a chill. It’s nice that I now look forward to the Morning Pages from the book The Artist’s Way. It’s wonderful to do a brain dump first thing in the morning. It’s basically journaling while doing automatic writing. One thing I learned from training with Davidji is that the morning is the most powerful time of the day. What we do first thing in the morning sets the tone for the day. This morning I did a nice walk with Moxie and I listened to one of my favorite inspirational teachers. He’s a bit more under the radar than Davidji. His name is Lee Harris and every month he does an Energy Update to fill you in on what lies ahead from an energetic and spiritual perspective. What I love about Lee is his energy. He’s positive, upbeat and radiates a beautiful peaceful energy. Fortunately, today was a rest day from that Badass Kacy. Whew! Who knew a woman in her 60’s could put CGO to shame. To think, back in the day (did I really say that?!) when I was
Day 2
“The challenge is not to be perfect – It is to be whole.” Jane Fonda
If Day One was Ouch, Day Two was holy cow, OUCH, OUCH, & OUCH! I can’t honestly remember the last workout I had where I basically uttered a 4 letter word with every single step. I spent much of the day cursing my midlife bladder as every time I sat down to pee, I wanted to cry. My muscles didn’t just ache. They screamed bloody murder!!! I can’t say I blamed them. Poor neglected babies. 60 Days is making me realize how much couch surfing or simply sitting down I was doing over the past year. I’m not normally a couch potato, lazy bones. I suppose I was a bit lazier this past year with all the respiratory illness issues. Back to those achy muscles … The other thing I did today was to spend much of the day searching online on how to relieve lactic acid buildup. I can’t say I found anything terribly helpful. Fortunately, I had the Epsom Salts and after a long slower walk with Moxie, I was happy to spend some time in the tub. I bought some lovely lavender scented salts and did a good long soak. I have to admit that I loved feeling my muscles beginning to wake up. That’s a sign that Miss Kacy and her K Game have me on the right track! AM: Woke up to my daily mug of hot water, fresh lemon and 2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar. Fresh pressed celery and beet juice. Celery juice is wonderful for detoxification and beet juice is loaded with nitric oxide to fuel the body with lots of oxygen pre-workout. Latte – homemade latte with coffee, frothy almond milk and stevia with cinnamon Lots of water – like a gallon of water! Zero gluten! YAY for me. I absolutely love things loaded with gluten. They just don’t like me a whole lot. They tend to cause lots of stomach distress and bloating, just want I don’t want at the moment. Lunch – 3 eggs scrambled with broccoli, tomatoes and a little cheese. 3 Tablespoons Raw Sauerkraut, ½ Avocado Snack: Honey Crisp Apple and Trader Joe’s mixed nuts Pomegranate, seltzer and fresh lime drink Dinner: Butter chicken (Organic boneless chicken with a delicious cumin scented Indian Curry Sauce) with grilled asparagus and quinoa. A couple squares of Dove Dark Chocolate. I won’t part with my dark chocolate. After all, it’s loaded with antioxidants! Supplements: 2 Omega 3 Supplements, Garden of Life Raw One a Day Multi, Thorne B12, Thorne D-10,000, and Integrative Therapeutics UBQH, Physician’s Choice 60 Billion ProbioticDay 1
“It’s always best to start at the beginning.” Glinda the Good Witch
In one word: OUCH! I used to be a badass. I could work all day and still teach a brutal 90 minute aerobics class. Of course, I was in my 20’s and in peak physical shape, running 50 to 60 miles a week. That was before my knees blew and my joints began to sound more like the Tin Man in need of an oil can. Today, Kacy Duke kicked my ass and showed me that I can be fairly thin but also horribly out of shape. We met for our first virtual workout this morning. In all fairness, I got the time screwed up and had just finished an hour fast walk outside with Moxie. I got a message that Kacy was waiting for me on Zoom so I basically ran home with Moxie in tow and went right into an hour long workout. Not just any workout. Let’s just say I was huffing and puffing pretty quickly. I knew I was out of shape but not that that out of shape! Kacy warned me that I might be hurting after the workout. I just wasn’t expecting to hurt during the workout! The truth is that I was in “lockdown” long before COVID hit. This past year was a doozy having come down with pneumonia and the flu before COVID. A few months ago, I was diagnosed with COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. At least I had something to blame for the huffing and puffing. The best part about COPD is that heavy duty aerobic activity is exactly what the doctor ordered. Pushing my lungs to capacity is actually good for them. Back to Kacy. She’s 66 years old. Now do you know why I begged her to train me?