We are a continuum. We will not be typified or stereotyped because we are over/under a certain age. We know that our generations are different in many ways. We know that Millennials are vibrant, technologically adept, adventurous, and see things in new ways. We know that Midlifers are balanced, filled with life experience, thoughtful, and have the wisdom of years. We know that #WeAreStrongerTogether!

Please join us in Reciprocal Mentorship … reach out to someone in your opposite demographic and share your stories, your hearts, and your dreams. You will find that we have so much to offer each other. Come on along! Bridge the Gap. And don’t forget to grab a tee-shirt to show your support!


NetworkBe is a proud partner of Bridging the Gap and has captured some of the conversations between generations on video. Catherine Grace O’Connell and Jonilyn Brown talk thru generational assumptions in the next edition of Bridging the Gap brought to you by NetworkBe.


Be sure to check out all of the NetworkBe videos for Bridging the Gap and subscribe to their fabulous BeInspired Video Channel!

Nicolette Stinson

Nicolette Stinson