LAURA BRUNO - Medical Intuitive & Astrologer

North Node


What is North Node Astrology?

How July’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.     

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. If you’re right on the cusp, consider both possibilities or book a reading for more clarity.

        – Laura

"Meeting Laura feels like a divinely inspired connection. I met her during a pivotal time in my life and she helped guide me back from the brink of despair due to Late Stage Lyme Disease and deep wounds from trauma. She not only helped to save my life, she helped me find a new life and a new way of being. Laura opened my eyes to many new worlds, including the world of astrology and the North Nodes. My life began to change quickly as I discovered parts of myself I didn't know existed. Midlife is a powerful time of self discovery and the North Nodes are a glittering North Star to follow to discover who you're meant to be, versus who have have been told to be, in this lifetime. Working with Laura and learning about my North Node in Leo was like opening a treasure box to discover a world of unknown gifts from my soul. She's a rare treasure bringing a grounded and centered approach to astrology. I highly recommend a one on one session with Laura, particularly at Midlife!"
Catherine Grace O'Connell
Catherine Grace O'Connell



A time of endings and completion with major transits in the Anaretic (final) degree of several signs. Watch for big time revelations around the July 5 New Moon and 2024’s second Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21. Many things are not as they’ve appeared–personally and especially on the collective level. Reality gets a reboot.

July 2 Neptune stations Retrograde in Pisces. This occurs in the Anaretic degree, with Neptune trine Mercury in the Anaretic degree of Cancer until Mercury enters Leo just two hours later. The 29th degree of Cancer intensifies emotional impact of thought patterns, information, and understanding. This is an extra sensitive day for empaths. Avoid crowds and make sure to practice good energy hygiene. Inspiration could skyrocket today, especially dream downloads and creative projects. Exercise caution, though, because the 29th degree can also magnify the negative qualities of Neptune in his home sign of Pisces. Deception, illusion, delusion, addiction, overwhelm, and despair can also arise. 

July 3 Mercury in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius. In Leo, the Messenger ignites passion expressed through words. Mercury in Leo speaks from the heart. He’s bold, creative, and self-confident, with a dramatic flair. This Pluto opposition ups the drama. Look for hidden meaning and insinuations. Whatever deep, dark secrets get revealed (Pluto), whoever shares them (Mercury) will feel proud (Leo) of their contribution to society (Aquarius). How we understand ourselves is likely to undergo significant change related to news delivered on or around July 3.

July 5 New Moon in Cancer, 6:57 p.m. Eastern Daylight time. This New Moon trines Saturn in Pisces, easing tensions that arose around the June 6 Gemini New Moon, which squared Saturn. This Saturn trine brings structure and support, which will nurture a new beginning. Cancer rules the Moon, offering an extra strong monthly reset in the sign of the Mother. Focus on emotions, and surround yourself with those you love. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “(CANCER 15°): IN A SUMPTUOUS DINING HALL GUESTS RELAX AFTER PARTAKING OF A HUGE BANQUET.”

July 11 Venus enters Leo. Venus in Leo is generous and heart-centered, but she also stands up for her own desires and needs. Who or what makes your heart sing? This is a great month to upgrade hair care and your physical appearance.

July 12 Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius. Passion, lust, power plays, obsession: intensity explodes in relationships. Venus moves fast, but the days around July 12 could leave indelible marks. Hidden information comes to the surface and demands attention. Significant shifts could occur not only in relationships but also regarding values, self-esteem, and wealth. 

July 15 Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus. An intense day that initiates radical change. Since Mars tends to act early, we could see the rabble rousing occur up to a week ahead of time. 

July 20 Mars enters Gemini. The pace of life speeds up, especially with anything involving the mental realm. Day trips or nearby outings could prove extra productive between now and September 4. Information warfare reaches peak levels. Develop strategies for dealing with excess communication. Asking “What can I do about this right now?” will help you to discern what matters and what doesn’t. With Mars in Gemini, you’ll have many options. Not all of them matter, and they don’t all lead where you want to go. Success will involve negotiation, new perspectives, and compromise, but your mind is more powerful than you realize. Law of Attraction can pre-pave your way.

July 21 Full Moon in Capricorn, 6:16 a.m. Eastern U.S. time. This is the second Full Moon in Capricorn in a row this year, and it occurs in the Anaretic degree, conjunct Pluto in early Aquarius. Whatever failed to materialize with the June 21/22 Full Moon square Neptune in late Pisces, now partners with Pluto, the revealer of hidden things. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon degree is: “(CAPRICORN 30°): A SECRET MEETING OF MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR EXECUTIVE DECISIONS IN WORLD AFFAIRS.” Dane Rudhyar adds a “KEYNOTE: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power. … This is the last symbol … related to the zodiacal sign Capricorn. We see in it the culmination of social responsibility and a reference to EXECUTIVE POWER.”

July 22 Sun enters Leo. The exact opposition to Pluto occurs on July 23, but will already be in tight aspect today. Also on July 22, Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto always ups the intensity. On the macro level, we can expect light to shine on corruption and hidden power plays, along with the ability to take action (Mars) on such revelations. On the micro level, pay attention to passion that comes through much stronger than you realized. How does this new information affect you, your values, and your self-esteem?

July 25 Mercury enters Virgo, one of his home signs. Mercury in Virgo moves slower than Mercury in his other home sign of Gemini. Slow, careful, and methodical analysis brings accurate and reliable results. The upcoming Mercury Retrograde in August 4 will pop back into late Leo, so we’ll retrace these initial steps before our understanding moves forward. Take your time in July and August. We’ve had a flood of news and revelations, not all of which will hold up to scrutiny. Clear the cobwebs!

July 26 Chiron stations Retrograde in Aries. The Wounded Healer retraces his steps back to the April 8, 2024 Sun-Moon-Chiron eclipse. What arose for you in April, and how have you processed or healed those wounds? On the macro level, Chiron will pass over the U.S. natal Chiron again before stationing Direct on December 29th and then recrossing that point another time in January 2025. This is a git ‘er done transit, as Chiron won’t return to that point again for another fifty years. The next U.S. Chiron Return will not coincide with the first U.S. Pluto Return, as it has this time. Anyone with placements in 14-23° of Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and +/-5° from the early cusps of Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) has experienced a perfect storm of intensity. We’re entering the final phase of initiation.

You can find your North Node sign here which is usually different than your Sun sign. (If you’re right on a cusp, consider both options, or book a reading for more clarity.)



Another intense quarter for Aries North Node natives. The transiting North Node continues moving backwards through your sign, bringing a “what are the odds?!” kind of energy to opportunities and closed doors. You will need to forge ahead, with or without familiar companions. You value fairness, equality, and have an innate ability to massage relationships, but you can’t afford to get stuck in co-dependence or tangled up in lawsuits. When in doubt, do what you need to do. Life will support you honoring your own needs. You’ll feel better about your decisions if they benefit loved ones, too, so try to lead by example. Take control of your own healing.


Relief begins to trickle in after the tight squeeze of Second Quarter 2024. Gather your bearings, Taurus. You made it! Who or what remains? How can you strengthen and support your needs for physical security, love, food, and money? Activity in Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo and Pisces helps you move forward, step by tangible step, while Leo placements offer productive friction. When in doubt, pay attention to your body. Biofeedback cuts through the drama of your Scorpio South Node. Things are so much less complicated than they first appear. Ground yourself in nature, and avoid extremes. Pay attention to food and exercise as ways to manage your vibration. Life really can be that simple!


Third Quarter 2024 lights up with both Mars and Jupiter moving through your North Node sign. Activation galore! Avoid the temptation to get stuck in old or rigid paradigms that no longer serve your more flexible future. When in doubt, explore the idea of living in a “both/and,” “win/win” Universe. If you feel stressed out or overwhelmed, take a day trip or local-ish weekend away. You don’t always need a grand gesture in order to accomplish something big. Little shifts add up. If you find yourself backsliding, adjust your attitude and make one small change. See? The whole world looks different when you allow yourself and others a bit of wiggle room. Lighten up, Gemini, and experiment with new ideas.


July 5th’s New Moon in Cancer turns your tide. Cancer rules the Moon. Like it or not, you’re always more sensitive to lunar events than those around you. Honor your need for alternating periods of engagement or retreat. Contrary to your Capricorn South Node’s demands, you can’t push yourself forever. Sometimes you need some R&R. Whether that means “rock and roll” or “rest and recuperation” depends on the day! Allow yourself to ebb and flow as needed. If you don’t build in downtime, then it will appear in your life as illness or exhaustion. Emotions play a huge role in your available energy. They’re a sign of strength, not weakness. You need to follow feelings instead of external deadlines and tradition.


We’re entering your Season, Leo! Your sign’s ruler–the Sun–enters Leo on July 22, bringing a month of destiny level activation. Venus moves through Leo from July 11-August 4, so pay attention to “coincidences” involving relationships, money, business partnerships, and/or personal values. Remember, you’re a star. Anyone who saps your confidence or makes you feel “less than” does not deserve your attention. Mars and Jupiter in Gemini bring extra opportunities your way. Don’t be afraid to dream big, because life wants to put you center stage. Beware of cult-like pressures to conform or support things that fail to ignite your passion. If it’s not heartfelt, then it’s not for you. The Universe has bigger plans for your radiance than you know.


From August 22-September 22, the Sun moves through your sign, shining light and understanding on your life path. Mercury, your sign’s ruler, spends extra time in Virgo this year, due to a Retrograde period shared with Leo. In Third Quarter 2024, don’t be afraid to reevaluate. The shift in seasons offers a chance to start again. Have you slipped into emotional eating or drinking? Are you constantly running late, or forgetting meetings? Not exercising on a daily basis? Use this quarter to schedule and anchor in more disciplined, productive habits. Small, regular steps bring better results than idealism and daydreams. Yes, you benefit from tapping into your spiritual side, but practical action must follow. A little accountability goes a long way.


Engage your creativity this quarter! From August 29-September 22, Venus–your sign’s ruler–brings powerful connections your way. Then from September 22-October 22, the Sun moves through Libra, emphasizing partnership, justice, peace, beauty, and balance. The Prayer of St. Francis is a good one for you: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love … . When in doubt, ask how a given situation or relationship could become more graceful and harmonious. “Make love, not war” is another great motto for Libra North Node/Aries South Node natives. You’ll find it much easier to join with others if you’ve tended to your own inner balance first. Strategic alone time recharges you and enables you to love more.


Anything moving through Cancer or Pisces offers emotional and creative support to your nodal axis. Embrace opportunities to deepen or intensify. Anything moving through Leo eventually squares your nodal axis, increasing pressure to release whatever no longer serves your highest good. Your Taurus South Node wants to cling to tangible reminders of what came before, but be honest, Scorpio: the urge to purge feels mighty good when you follow through. You liberate so much stuck energy, which triggers transformation. Your body regenerates in powerful, even magical ways. More than other signs, yours craves intimacy. Physical, emotional, and spiritual: you want it all, even if that also terrifies you. Strong passion upends the status quo. Face your fear and do it anyway.


Your sign’s ruler–Jupiter–continues crisscrossing Gemini, your South Node sign. Big opportunities arise, but these require you letting go of distractions and information overload. When in doubt, ask, “How does this fit into my overall philosophy of life?” Release the FOMO, Sagittarius. Intuition guides you well. Whatever adventures follow will far surpass those invitations you declined. Go big, or go home: don’t scatter yourself too thin. With Mars in Gemini from July 20-September 4, beware of distracted driving, especially close to home. Don’t read your phone while walking around the neighborhood! Too much texting and social media will carry bigger consequences than usual. Focus on something grander than the vicissitudes of daily life.


Recent intensity continues throughout Third Quarter 2024, but by now you might see more signs of an underlying cosmic order. The softer side of Cancer infuses what can feel like harsh mandates from a Capricorn North Node. Self-care is up this quarter! The New Moon in Cancer on July 5 occurs in your South Node sign, as the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mercury highlight old patterns you need to leave behind. A second Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on July 21, this time in the final degree of Capricorn, conjunct Pluto in early Aquarius. Whatever soul purpose things you’ve tried to shove under the rug demand attention. Pressure intensifies after September 1 when Pluto re-enters Capricorn for the final pass in your lifetime.


Third Quarter 2024 challenges you to release “my way or the highway” thinking and become more of a team player. Anything moving through Aries, Gemini, and Libra offers supportive energy for Aquarius North Node natives. Planets transiting Taurus and Leo challenge you to adapt and refine your inner revolution in order to serve a greater good. Up is down, black is white. Try to keep up as lightning bolts of information reorder your Universe. Update electronics before or after (but not during) Mercury Retrograde. Those of you with early Aquarius North Nodes will get a break from Pluto as he re-enters Capricorn for the final time, starting September 1. That same day, your sign’s ruler–Uranus–stations Retrograde in Taurus. Expect the unexpected!


Saturn continues Retrograde the mid-range of Pisces, solidifying things on or off path for you. On July 2, your sign’s ruler–Neptune–stations Retrograde in the final degree of Pisces. Tap into the highest level of compassion, beauty, and spirituality. Virgo Season will challenge your rational side, forcing you to release the perceived need for certainty, rules, and linear time. Oh, how that Virgo South Node wants to know your five-year plan! Anything in Taurus and Cancer supports your unfolding destiny, while Gemini’s chatter wears you down. When busy brain interferes with peace, mantra meditation helps quiet the mind. Change is in the air with the first eclipse in your sign on September 17. This heralds the January 2025 nodal shift into Pisces-Virgo for eighteen months of cosmic flow.


You are probably wondering ...
Who is Laura Bruno?

Laura Bruno (that’s me!) is an Empowerment Coach, Medical Intuitive, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher and Life Path Reader. I specialize in transitions, life changing health issues, silver linings, and inspiring others to live bold and beautiful lives. I hold a Masters Degree in English Language and Literature from the University of Chicago. A 1998 traumatic brain injury shifted my focus from reading books to reading energy. It was a gift. My last 19 years have been spent helping people heal themselves and our world. You can read more about me on my website About Page.

The Mystical Midlife Reading is an exclusive offer for Catherine Grace O’Connell’s readers. This one-hour intuitive session looks at your North Node and other life path markers to help you live your most empowered, authentic life. We’ll explore your soul’s purpose and any messages coming to you through health or midlife transitions. The special discount rate of $199 is only available here and  is my only reading that focuses on helping women Master Modern Midlife!


Once you locate your North Node sign just click on the link and continue your Midlife Mystic journey!



North Node

South Node
