Studio City, California
“Grace in women has more effect than beauty.”– William Hazlitt
Grace Rose’s Designs:
Visit Rosie G Style
This week’s Capturing Grace is a repost from last year. Why? Because it’s the week of Rosie G’s fantastic and fabulous annual Fundraiser and Fashion Show for Cystic Fibrosis! This 14-year-old dynamo and fashion designer holds her annual runway show to #CureCF, and this year it’s at the historic and stunning Houdini Estate in Laurel Canyon in LA on Saturday, August 26th from 4-7 PM. Make sure you check out Grace Rose’s post with all the details of her event! And here is a direct link to buy tickets. Grace Rose is an incredible ambassador for CF and if you get the opportunity to meet her in person, you will just as blown away as I was! Read on for the wonderful story of how I met this lovely young lady who defines the concept of being empowered.
About a month ago, I received a deeply touching message from a very special young woman, Grace Rose of @rosiegstyle. Grace reached out to me as we have something in common: We have both been dealing with life threatening illnesses. Grace was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at birth and has been fighting for a cure for the past 13 years as she turns 14 on November 27th. I quickly responded to Grace and connected with her wonderful Mom, Leah, to make a plan to get together. My photog and I packed up the car loaded with some balloons and headed to downtown Studio City to meet this little firecracker in person!
While having a Chai Latte at Starbucks, my excitement was building to meet this darling girl. When she and her Mom walked through the door, I knew I was going to be part of a special day. Grace is as charming in person as she is on her lovely Instagram. She’s loaded with personality and a healthy dose of confidence. With a contagious laugh that draws you in, this young girl knows how to have fun! Grace had a surprise in store for me as she had designed a tank top with the word “Namaslay.” I headed to my car for a quick change as I couldn’t wait to try it on! Yes, we are both a bit fashion obsessed.
We were here to celebrate her upcoming 14th birthday and her first request was to hit Big Sugar Bakeshop right down the street. It’s an old fashioned bakery where we sat outside and enjoyed some mouth watering treats. It was wonderful to get to know Grace and Leah and learn more of her story and how she came to design her own clothing line several years ago. Down to earth, lively and charming, this duo made for a delightful afternoon. I brought along some delicious rose water from H2Rose which we enjoyed together. We had to laugh at the irony of the brand…Grace Rose and H2Rose…a perfect fit!
Grace’s journey begins back in New Orleans prior to Hurricane Katrina. Grace and her Mom had to leave following the hurricane as it had destroyed their home. Relocating to LA wasn’t easy with a diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis as it meant starting over to locate a qualified team of pediatric specialists to help Grace in her new locale. As someone recovering from Lyme Disease, I was incredulous as to Grace’s overall disposition when it comes to her illness. Her attitude is refreshing. I never heard her complain yet was aware of her daily two hour treatments to keep her lungs clear of the ever present mucus that makes breathing a challenge. She’s mindful of her illness while putting most of her energy into being a child and a budding Fashion Designer. She even has her own design studio in Studio City. Most of her story is hard to believe. She hasn’t let anything stop her and she’s determined to find a cure. So determined, in fact, that she hopped on a plane without an invite and showed up at the Nordstrom offices in Seattle on a mission to get her RosieG line in Nordstrom! Good luck saying “No” to this little powerhouse. By the end of the meeting, Leah tells me they basically asked Grace if she wants to work for them! They knew a star when they saw one and Grace Rose is a star.

There’s a lovely backstory leading up to Rosie G Style. When Grace was diagnosed at birth with CF, Leah used her fashion background to begin creating fashion fundraisers to help find a cure for the disease. It’s been 13 years of designing fashion, with Grace Rose taking over the design reigns 3 years ago. Following in the footsteps of her Mother, Grace has had a passion for fashion and beautiful aesthetics since she was very young. At the tender age of 10, she told her Mom she wanted to design the clothes for the next fashion show, and Rosie G Style was born! Grace uses the name of her alter ego personality, Rosie G for her brand. Like so many young girls, Grace used to dress up in her Mom’s clothes and put her makeup on and prance around. Her nickname quickly became RosieG in Style and thus, the perfect brand name capturing the essence of her spunky and sparkly alter ego.
This little one is headed to take over the world with her sparkly personality and her gift for helping others. She designs clothes in her spare time as she’s a full time student at a Performing Arts School where her focus is on musical theatre. Many of her school friends do double duty as Grace’s models in her fashion shows. Every August, Grace hosts a fashion show fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis. This past year, it was held in the CBS Studio backlot and her story was featured in the LA Times. Not bad for a 13 year old!
Make sure to check out to see Grace’s clothing line. Her designs are geared for the young girls and women on your Christmas list. There’s something for everyone from darling dresses to the sassiest graphic Tees. Make sure to visit Grace’s Instagram @rosiegstyle and wish her the happiest of birthdays. This is one very special young women whom I’m honored to call my friend. Cheers my beautiful Grace Rose…here’s to you! #cureCF

What a brace girl! I’m talking about the other hereditary lung disease on my blog this week. It’s about me and Alpha_1 antitrypsine deficiency.
What a beautiful and fun post! Smiling so big with every word! Grace Rose is such a beautiful young lady and my guess is she is going to eclipse us all! Thank you for that uplifting post!
Nora Minassian
Such a wonderful story! She is so fierce just like you . Great photos 🙂
aubrey ballard
Catherine, this is so so special. Warms my heart to see two women join forces and bring light to a terrible disesase!
XO, Aubrey |
Amazing! I love this, Thank you so much for sharing & for being your wonderful self… xoxo