“Ultimately my job, with the people who work for me, is to find your genius, and to help you find your genius. And if we can do that, that’s the magic“ – Amy Errett
Embracing her reputation in the industry as a “Badass,” Amy Errett, CEO of Madison Reed leads from a space of inspired empowerment. So when I received an invite to a get-together event in San Francisco, I hopped in my Jeep and hit the road! Arriving at the new Madison Reed corporate headquarters gives you an immediate feeling of the counterculture mentality that permeates the offices. It’s a universal message of LOVE and it’s painted in classic Madison Reed style with vibrant purple hues in graphics strewn throughout the sunlit space. If you had a dream about the type of space you’d like to work in, this would be it! The company vibe is a friendly one. As the “team members” work with their “coaches,” empowering terms Amy prefers over traditional terms such as “employees and bosses.” The first thing you’ll see is a corporate theatre area with pillows saying “L O V E. As it was influencer event, I was delighted to meet some new faces and learn the women’s stories. My dear friend, Karen Brooks, the creator of WearwithPassion joined me for the evening. She couldn’t wait to try out the hair color and set off for The Color Bar to find her perfect match. Karen was delighted to discover the root touch up powder which we quickly tested out and took away those pesky roots. She met with a color consultant and they decided on the perfect shade.
Leaving Karen, I made my way over to meet some of the women and to hang with Colleen Garland, a team member whom I’ve gotten to know over the course of the past year. Colleen’s personality reflects Amy’s vision. You can see the personal care that Amy devoted to assembling a team that operates from a heart-centered space. The team members truly value and respect one another and it’s a delight to observe. Colleen, Karen and I made our way to the photo booth and didn’t hesitate to be our silly selves. It’s always fun to meet new faces and we made our way through the crowd, drinking delicious Boba tea and dining on savory appetizers.
Every detail was attended to as there was a table with the most enticing scents designed to create your own body scrub. What a brilliant idea as we experimented with luxurious aromas and essential oils to create our own concoctions. Madison Reed goodie bags were in order filled with samples of my favorite color refreshing shampoos. Personally, I’m hooked on the Madison Reed culture as it aligns beautifully with my mission and my message. Women deserve to feel confident while embracing their inner “badass” as Amy is the ultimate role model. There’s no doubt that this “Disruptor” is only just beginning. I’m grateful there are women in this world that are making a powerful difference and changing people’s lives for the better. She’s certainly found her genius and is busy making magic everywhere she goes.

I discovered Madison Reed just over a year ago. I kept seeing their ads popping up and I was curious to learn about this company on a mission to transform the hair color industry. It was evident right from the get-go that we closely aligned. So when I had the chance to collaborate with them on bringing our messages together in a video about empowered women, I jumped at the chance!
I can’t reveal all of the details but I thought I’d include some shots from a scene we shot at the beautiful Mission San Juan Capistrano (and the swallows are back!). The lovely singer/songwriter Jess Godwin joined me and knocked her scene out of the park. Jess is amazing. She’s also the founder Shameless, a performance and collaborative songwriting workshop for Chicago Public School students and beyond that gives voice to hidden feelings of shame, jealousy, comparison, and the need for perfection that so many of us have, and teaches fundamentals of moving beyond them. Having struggled herself with some of these issues as a professional performer, Jess feel’s it’s important to be a role model for young people to help overcome shame stigmas and develop an empowered sense of identity. Check her out on her website and Instagram!

One comment
Karen Brooks
Great post about our time at Madison Reed Block Party. Amy sure is a badass. I am so happy we got to meet her and listen to her talk about her mission with Madison Reed. Thanks for introducing me to this amazing company. I am wearing the new hair color right now and I love it. xoxo