Redondo Beach, CA
“It will take days or longer to understand the power of this gathering. I know for myself, I am still reeling from it all and doing my best to come to grips with my own insecurities. I’m glad I stepped outside myself and moved passed my anxiety to join in. I learned a lot about so many women there, but I learned even more about myself.” – Loretta Sayers
My journey is no longer my journey. I cannot tell you how much that delights my Being and humbles my Spirit. FierceCon 2018 was a life-changing experience. So many women moved me to tears while at the same time, made my heart sing! Loretta Sayers Gavin is one of those women. She was the event coordinator and simply put, it would not have been possible without her. I worked with Loretta almost every day for months; relied on her, trusted her, and was tremendously grateful for her enthusiasm and expertise. Although, we were getting to know one another on one level, there was so much going on inside of her that I didn’t know. She struck me as confident, organized, no-nonsense, and competent as hell. I thought she was drawn to this because putting on FiereCon played right into her skill set and she is damn good at it!
What I soon discovered was that she really is a Sister on the same path as all of us in the Forever Fierce Revolution. We all have stories and masks and are sometimes afraid of showing the world who we really are. There are times when we don’t enjoy the moment or a relationship because that would involve vulnerability. There was a resonance throughout FierceCon that echoed in so many women’s stories of their experience. I love sharing those stories and I hope you enjoy Loretta’s thoughtful reflections on FierceCon and how it feels to be Forever Fierce.
Our beauty lies not in our similarities, but in our differences. We share a colorful tapestry of stories and backgrounds, each one unique and beautiful. We may not look alike on the outside, but on the inside, where true beauty resides and is everlasting, we are much the same. We are a heart-centered crew on a mission to sprinkle as much kindness in the world as we can. If there’s one lesson I’ve had to learn the hard way, it’s a lot easier to spread kindness when you’re kind to yourself. As women, we’ve been raised in a culture that hasn’t been so easy on us, and in turn, we can be very hard on ourselves. The Forever Fierce sisterhood is working together to change that dynamic and to project kindness and compassion onto others.
Loretta Sayers is the Founder of Countdownto60. She’s also the leader of her own Facebook Community, Instagram Over 50. I’m honored to have her on my team, at my back, and now, as my friend and Fierce Sister. Loretta, like so many of us, has had her share of insecurities and self-doubt. Without further adieu, I’m honored to share her post opening up about her fears and trepidation in joining the FFR Admin and FierceCon team:
Loretta’s Post: What Happens When Women Get Together – FierceCon 2018
Thank you, Loretta, for sharing your story, opening your heart and laying your #ShieldsDown. I’ve learned so much from you and your courage. May your story continue to inspire, uplift and lead the way for more women to lay their #ShieldsDown.
If you didn’t read last week’s post about Linda Williams, the COO of Forever Fierce Media, that launched a firestorm of conversation and a movement within a movement, you can read it here.
Cheers Beauties … Stay Fierce! Here’s to hearts opening everywhere and Shields dropping.

jodie filogomo
These are the best stories!! And you are the best for sharing them.
Catherine Grace O'Connell
Aren’t they sister???