Who Am I?

Venice Beaach, CA

“Who are we but the stories we tell ourselves, about ourselves, and believe?” – Scott Turow 

Who are you?

Who am I?

The greatest existential questions of all times.

I spent this past weekend at a conference. Not your ordinary conference. A conference to take us deep within ourselves to begin to understand the great mysteries of life.

I’d like to share some thoughts from it.

Midlife is a time to redefine who we are. Midlife is a time to rewire – to begin laying the groundwork internally to see ourselves and our world in a whole new way.

As a young girl, I would get lost in nature for hours. We lived next to wide open fields that seemed to roam forever. In the farthest corner of the field, was a towering weeping willow tree. Much of my childhood was spent in that tree.

Contemplating – contemplating life.

I’ve always been a deep thinker. I want to know how life works. I want to know how I work. I want to be the best human I can be.

So, how do we answer the question: “Who Am I?”

From within.

We spend most of our younger life believing who we are based upon people outside of us. We begin defining ourselves and our reality centered upon an outward identity.

I’m a daughter. I’m a student. I’m a friend.

Then, we begin adding adjectives: I’m a good daughter. I’m a poor student. I’m an incredible friend.

We build these belief systems outside in. Our parents are a big part of how our beliefs about ourselves begin to form. We take these beliefs out into the world and become mothers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, social workers and on and on.

We begin to buy into the identity of what we do, and not who we are.

Here we are in 2020.

2020 is a new year and a new decade.

It’s a year filled with potential.

It’s the year of making the impossible possible.

When we’re children, we live in our unlimited imaginations believing there isn’t anything we can’t do. We’re drawn to superheroes with superpower capabilities.

Over time, we begin to lose our ability to imagine ourselves as a superhero filled with superpowers.

Midlife is a time to begin turning from the outer world – from our circumstances and our limited reality – to the inner world – a world that’s unlimited, filled with pure potentiality.

Our beliefs keep us trapped, constrained, and limited. They leave us feeling powerless.

Where do these beliefs come from?

Our thoughts – many of these thoughts belong to others yet have been projected onto us enough times that they begin to stick. Over time, they become us.

Our thoughts and our beliefs keep us trapped, constrained, living in a box rather than the limitless potential that is us.

One thought, told over and over, becomes a belief that becomes a story – a script – the script that becomes your life.

If you want a new life, you must write a new story.

A powerful story with you as the heroine.

Midlife is a Superpower – yours, mine and ours.

Midlife is a time to redefine who you are on your terms.

Midlife is freedom.

Midlife is permission – permission for the Phoenix to Rise and the false self to fall away.

Making the impossible possible requires a new paradigm – a shift from without to within.

A shift from the outer world to the inner world – the world where the magic happens.

Who are you?

I’m a mother. I’m a doctor. I’m a lawyer.

Oh, you are so much more than that!

You are a divine being temporarily living in a human suit. That human suit isn’t who you are.

Living a Modern Midlife – a life of Moxie – requires you to shift from without to within.

Making the impossible possible can only happen inside out.

Your superpowers are waiting for you – waiting for you to ignite them.

Your deepest desires – your dreams – are filled with clues. Powerful clues to what’s possible. They’re speaking to you. They’re waiting for you.

Believe you are superhuman.

Believe you have superpowers.

Believe that dreams come true.

Ask yourself the question, “Who Am I,” and allow the answers to come from within.

You’re not who you think you are.

You’re so much more.

You’re a human filled with Moxie – a true force of character ready to make the impossible possible.

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Fabulous blog post, Catherine! Love that mural, perfect photo backdrop!


Thank you sweet sister!


Sounds like an interesting conference. What was it?


Hi Lesa, It was a conference with a channeler, Kryon who also had Gregg Braden as a presenter and another fascinating doctor, Dr. Todd Ovolaikys. It was definitely eye opening. You can find events on Gregg’s website and the Kryon website. They have a wonderful conference coming up in Hawaii in November with Dr. Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton. It’s on my bucket list!!!

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