Photos from Kevin Steele’s Life On Pause – Please Visit!

What if you thought of it as the Jews consider the Sabbath — the most sacred of times?
Cease from travel. Cease from buying and selling. . . . Do not reach out your hands,
Reach out your heart.” – Lynn Ungar

In times of great need, a teacher tends to appear.

What if COVID-19 is here to teach us?

What if something so deadly was here to wake us up – to show us a new way to live, a new way of being – one where we’re far more alive than we were before?

What if we, as a global society, have fallen asleep?

What if we are being pulled apart through a new concept called social distancing only to be more deeply connected?

What if this lethal virus was here to unite the generations?

What if COVID-19’s silver lining is to force us to slow down?

What if we are being guided into stillness and silence because it’s exactly what we need?

What if through all the suffering from this crazy pandemic, there is a blessing that can only be seen through hindsight?

Hindsight is only 20/20 when we’re far on the other side of things. And here we are … in 2020.

When it comes to silver linings, it can take time to see them as they’re designed to be hidden from plain sight.

We are in a constant state of creation. Creating and “un-creating.”

At the moment, a global creation is that of a new earth. The thing about creation is much of it is happening by forces we can’t see – forces in this energetic cosmic soup, much of it without our conscious awareness.

When it comes to a frightening, global pandemic, there are lots of “what ifs?”

I don’t have a crystal ball. Oh boy, do I wish I did.

I’m not a mystic.  I can’t see or understand things way beyond the ordinary human.

What I know for sure is that humans have faced immense crises and challenges since the beginning of time.

What I also know is that we are resilient and that we rise in the face of difficult times.

The thing about resilience is that it’s a quality tucked away much of the time. It shows up when we need it most.

It’s illuminated in a crisis.

It tends to surprise us because it reveals a strength few of us know we have.

We are certainly in the midst of challenging times. And we have strength.

I’ve been on a deeply spiritual path for a long time. It’s served me well. It’s helped me to see things through a different set of eyes – the eyes of the heart.

It’s also helped me to find the calm in the midst of the storm.

I’m grateful for those tools in my spiritual toolbox at the moment.

We all have a toolbox – an inner world overflowing with positive qualities including a tender and compassionate heart – one that is kind and caring, one that’s most likely being stirred up at the moment.

I do believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Or, more truthfully at this moment, a human experience on steroids.

I also believe that everything happens for a reason.

For some reason, we are the souls who chose to be on this planet at this very time.

Why? Because this planet needs you – me – US!

 It feels as if we are in the midst of a global reset – one that will leave us humans forever changed.

What’s the answer to this crisis of global humanity? It’s the same answer that always manifests in times of testing: individual resilience bundled up in the solidarity of community.

It’s embracing and supporting one another while separated. It’s dismantling the concept of competition and self aggrandizing. Take your “Okie Dokie Boomer” and “Useless Millennials” and put them in the dumpster. Begin to understand we are all on a continuum of growth and learning. We are all in this together and we are far stronger together.

It’s only when we cooperate and utilize each other’s strengths that we will prosper as a society. We need wisdom … we need energy … we need questions… we need a fresh outlook, a new perspective… we need dis-satisfaction with the status quo… we need creation … and we need trust and cooperation.

We need supportive groups and communities just like the Forever Fierce Revolution!

We are vibrational beings. That’s not Woo. It’s science. Fear lowers our vibration. Love raises it.

Right now, we must pay attention to the physical body – to be smart and to protect ourselves through social distancing, practicing healthy hygiene, and boosting the immune system through a healthy lifestyle.

Although we are being asked to physically disconnect and construct healthy boundaries, energy knows no boundaries. We remain connected through our hearts. Prayer and meditation remain boundary less. They’re needed now more than ever before.

We need one another more than ever before.

There will be a time in the future – a time when we look back through a clear lens, offering us a new perspective on life and the silver lining of the dark cloud of COVID-19.

I don’t know what it is but I can promise you, there is one.

How can I be so sure?

Because this beautiful universe we live in was created by a higher power, a grand divinity, orchestrated through the heavens – one that doesn’t make mistakes.

What is created are opportunities.

Perhaps, we needed some shaking up – to get us off that proverbial treadmill – to reconnect us to ourselves and to one another.

In the meantime, trust in your resilience, trust in your strength, and trust in your community.

Trust you will rise.

And, most of all beauties, trust that you are Fierce.


See all of Photographer Kevin Steele‘s documenting of Life On Pause.

Need More Moxie?! See all my Moxie On Monday’s!

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I agree with everything you have said about what this is trying to teach us. It will remain to be seen how many people actually take these lessons to heart. I do know that we are resilient when that is our only choice (hot damn, do I know that one well!) You have a beautiful heart. Keep sharing your amazingness with the world – we need it! xoxo


It’s been such a beautiful time for me. I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve needed to learn and integrate.


A fascinating read and the pictures are absolutely gorgeous! Love it!


I hope you are healthy and well my friend!


Resilience is key and love for each other is above all the most important gift we have to get through this time on earth. Thank you for another beautiful post. Love the photos by Kevin. Love you xoxo


You have it in spades my dear friend!


The song keeps coming to mind…”so rise and shine and give God your glory glory glory!!!
Thank you,


Don’t you love that song! I can hear it in your words. So beautiful! I ordered the Money book you shared this morning and I’m renting the documentary too. I appreciate your recommendations so much!


I’ve been thinking along the same lines.
Well said.


I hope you are doing well during this time. It’s been such a blessing for me!

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