
"Forget the mistake. Remember the lesson.”

Remember the lesson. Forget the mistake.

Not so easy, right?

After all, we are human.

Our human brains happen to be wired to do just the opposite – to hold onto the mistake, the negative, rather than focusing on the lesson, or the positive.

When I took my first baby steps onto the yellow brick runway of the spiritual path decades ago, I’ll admit I found many of the teachings to be confusing. After all, most were the opposite from how I was taught.

Everything was actually inside out while everything I had learned was outside in.

It felt a bit like I had slipped down the rabbit hole.

Up until that point, I was giving most of my energy and power to things that were outside of me – to people, situations, circumstances, relationships, etc.

What I have learned on the spiritual path turned my world upside down.

Life is about the lesson.

That’s it.

As humans, we go to school every single day. Our life on earth is one gigantic classroom. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Most of us, as spiritual beings, have a whole lotta school under our belts. The older we are as a soul, the more lifetimes we have had, and the more advanced our curriculum here in our “Earth School.”

In other words, the more advanced our curriculum, the more advanced our lessons. The more advanced our lessons, the more obstacles, challenges, pain and suffering we are likely to experience.

Focusing on our mistakes rather than the lessons we’ve learned through those mistakes leads to more suffering.

It holds us back, keeping us focused on our mistakes rather than propelling us forward via the lessons we’ve learned.

To advance in our curriculum, we must learn our lessons.

Focusing on what we’ve learned, on our lesson, and letting go of the mistakes we’ve made in the process, is what alleviates our suffering and opens our hearts to compassion and forgiveness.

Let’s be honest. We’re going to make mistakes. After all, if we’re perfect, not ever making a mistake, what is there to learn?

Or, we are an enlightened being and we’ve already graduated to the top of the class.

Not me, I’m still making mistakes and learning lessons.

Making mistakes, overcoming obstacles and challenges is how we learn, evolve and grow.

Plopping that mistake down in the past where it belongs and focusing on the lesson while living firmly in the present moment with an open heart filled with compassion and forgiveness is the most powerful path forward in life.

I’m grateful for the spiritual path I’ve been on. I’m grateful to have had my world turned upside down so I could begin to live life from the inside out.

As a spiritual being having a human experience, let’s just say that I’ve racked up quite a few lessons in my life.

Lots of mistakes too.

But, for today, I’m choosing to focus on the lessons while leaving those mistakes firmly in the past, where they belong.

Be like Arnold. Learn the lesson … and as to the mistakes. Be a Terminator.

Hasta La Vista Beauties! How about you?

Will you join me?

Need More Moxie?! See all my Moxie On Monday's!



Such powerful advice. It is a complete mindset change. TY for sharing.


It sure is a mindset shift, isn’t it sister?

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