“Kick ass in life or have your ass kicked. The choice is yours.” – Catherine Grace O’Connell

Life’s a choice: To have our ass kicked or to go out there and kick some ass! How would you like some help with kicking some ass … and do it to music?! That’s right! This month’s May North Node Horoscopes will get you on the ass kicking track with your very own soundtrack to boot … courtesy of our Astrological Maven Extraordinair, Laura Bruno

How are we going to get in an ass kicking mood? By reconnecting!

This month’s North Node Horoscopes are all about reconnection – about reconnecting to our younger selves, reconnecting to positive emotions like joy and beauty. They’re also about using music as a vehicle for a joy ride – perhaps, a ride down memory lane, finding those simple things that bring that inner child of yours joy – pure joy. This time spent in social isolation and quarantine can be powerful and wildly liberating, if you choose to use it that way. It’s a wonderful time for personal growth and self realization. It’s also a time for fun – to get lost in music. Music is known to heal, uplift, and to inspire.

In fact, I’m so inspired that I’m going to start a fad in the Forever Fierce Revolution! Get ready for Quarantine Karaoke and I’m challenging all of you to try it too! I’m going to record myself singing and post it on my feed and in the group. My advice: get some earplugs! Let’s have some fun together so stay tuned in the group!

Back to ass kicking. Heck, I spent the first half of my life having my ass kicked. Why would I want to continue in that direction when it’s so much more fun to consciously kick ass than to be kicked?!?

In all sincerity, I’ve been open and vulnerable to the point of letting almost every skeleton that’s been lurking in my closet set free for public viewing. Midlife is a turning point, the ultimate pivot from who we’ve been told to be to who we choose to become. It’s a time for us to turn our lives due north, toward a shiny, glittering north star, illuminating a new path, one that’s filled with purpose – our soul’s true purpose.

This time in modern quarantine has made me think back to the time I spent during my battle with late stage Lyme Disease. Although the reason for being isolated and alone is very different, the experience for me has been quite similar and equally enlightening. Any time, we are given a free pass by the universe to stop running without to begin spending some time within is time well spent. I’m finding this collective pause to be quite liberating. I get that it’s a bit of an oxymoron. What the heck? How can having our freedom taken away be liberating? So glad you asked! It’s because we don’t really live in the universe, in the outer world. We live inside of our minds. Our experience of the outer world is only a reflection of our inner world. While we are tucked away in social isolation much of the time, it’s the ideal time to reconnect with our inner worlds and spend some time getting to know ourselves and our inner children on a deeper level.

This month, Laura has a special horoscope for you that includes a song that will bust your heart wide open and help you sink a bit deeper into your soul and that mind/body connection. Music is a tool, a powerful one at that, to heal what ails us and to kick negative emotions to the curb. Midlife is a time to understand that we hold immense power within to change the direction of our lives. We have the ability to shift any negative emotion in an instant. We have the power to reframe our life our way. We have the power to redefine who we are and why we’re here. We also have the power to kick ass in life as we head straight to our North Star, shifting course, to the most empowered direction in life – our soul’s true calling.

Laura changed my life and I know she can change yours. She helped me shift from having my ass kicked by life to doing a little kicking of my own! Changing our lives always happens from the inside out. Enjoy this month’s North Node Horoscope. Consider blasting your personal song to the rooftops and getting lost in the pure joy of shaking your soul loose and breaking free from any past limitations. If I can do it, sister, so can you! 

Cheers Beauties, here’s to shifting direction and heading due North together!

For more information on Laura and how to book your very own reading at a special Mastering Modern Midlife discount click here!

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