Marysville, WA
“Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and love a lot more.” – Unknown
Friends are what makes the world go round. Best friends make life worthwhile. When you are still, gratitude seeps over your soul from the delight that you have such a dear friend … a friend just like Lana Lindgren.
Over the past couple of days, I’ve received a lot of calls and concerned messages from friends around the world. That’s the beauty of social media. I have friends who care … friends who make the world a whole lot lighter and brighter – which brings me to today’s post about a new chapter unfolding in my life and one of my bestie’s, Lana. She’s been a true life saver. She’s not only a best friend, she’s our Editor in Fierce as well as the creative behind the blog, My New Happy. She’s also an entrepreneur launching Belong Lifestyle in the US in October! I’m lucky to have such a special woman as a best friend and team member.
The two of us happen to be such close buddies – thank you Forever Fierce Revolution Community! – that when we were doing this very impromptu photo shoot in white dresses no less, we were surrounded by onlookers (yes, safely at a distance!) who just so happened to wonder if we were getting married??? Well, no, not exactly! I’m fairly certain Lana’s hubby and love of her life since childhood might not be too happy about that! George, her beloved, just so happens to be a hunter, with a gigantic Moose head proudly displayed front and center in their garage, to show everyone who’s boss! Let’s just say he’s the boss and I have absolutely no desire to end up on the garage wall!
I’d only had the pleasure of meeting George once on a brief visit to LA when he and Lana stayed over before heading to Disneyland. A few weeks ago, I decided to drive up the NW Pacific Coast on a scouting trip (you can read more here!) and let Lana know on a moment’s notice before my journey. She promptly invited me and My Fierce Moxie to stay with her, only to let me know once I had arrived in Seattle, that George NEVER EVER lets people stay in his home and certainly not a dog! Pulling into the driveway and seeing the giant Elk head might just scare anyone off – that is, unless you’re a fierce woman like yours truly.
I tiptoed in and Moxie promptly jumped over the back of the couch and perched herself right next to George to watch TV! That didn’t go over too well until several ear licking sessions later with George becoming putty Moxie’s hands (or paws!).

It’s besties like Lana who have my back like none other. I have to admit that’s a new experience for me! There is something so special about the Forever Fierce Community and the magic fairy dust it seems to sprinkle around the globe to attract the kindest women with the biggest hearts. That’s Lana in a nutshell. Before I ventured up to her lovely home outside Seattle, I insisted on a photo shoot. It was our very first photo shoot together. I think you can see from the images that we had an absolute blast! We couldn’t help but chuckle as we were hugging and holding hands – that is what Forever Fierce Sisters do! We we were attracting A LOT of attention. Most everyone seemed to think we were doing some sort of engagement shoot! Perhaps, it was the Lily-Lark parasol provided by our Fierce sister, Lisa Selwitz, that added to the wedding vibe. After all, her parasols are coveted by many brides and shared at many beautiful weddings.
This truly was a spur of the moment shoot as we had planned to head to Seattle for dinner with another Fierce sister, Pam Lopez, creator at The Beauty Conservator. Unfortunately, the protests were making things a bit more complicated. On George’s suggestion, we made a split second decision to head to a beautiful rose garden and park nearby. It turned out to be the perfect backdrop for a lovely shoot. I brought along a darling dress I had found on Asos. With Covid, who dresses up anymore? It’s been sitting in my closet for some time and I was delighted to have an excuse to dress up. With two of my favorite accessories, the gorgeous pumps from Jaclyn Jones and the Lily-Lark parasol, I was set to go. Lana had a lovely floral dress that was also lonely hanging out in her closet with nowhere to go.
Fortunately, Jacqueline DePaul, our fabulous Fierce sister who taught a Masterclass on Projecting Confidence at FierceCon shared some wonderful tips to help with those awkward moments on a photo shoot when you’re wondering, “what the heck do I do with my hands?” Lana and I played around with the “peanut” and making silly faces and having fun with the poses. There’s nothing like a best friend to brighten a photo shoot.
So, no, we’re not getting married. I’m afraid this beauty is taken!!! But, I do have some exciting news to share with you. In a recent post, I let you in on a secret that the Pacific NW had captured my heart and I was considering making a move. That move wasn’t going to be until next year. Given some unexpected circumstances, I’m having to make that move a lot sooner than I thought! I mean, A LOT SOONER – like NOW! I guess the universe liked the idea of me being in Washington. I’ll keep you all posted on my adventures as I pack up my home and say farewell to LA far earlier than I ever imagined. I do believe this glorious universe always has my back. I’m trusting those guardian angels that never leave my side know I’m headed in the right direction. I’ll bring you along as I hunt for my new home along the coast of the Pacific Northwest. Somehow, I know I’ll find a lovely new home for me and My Fierce Moxie.

Thank you, Lana, for being my angel when I needed you most. And, George, you’ve found a beauty. I do believe she’s a keeper and I know you’re not letting go! Cheers Beauties, to life and to the unexpected. The only thing we can ever expect is the unexpected! Here’s to a new home and new adventures in the making!
Have you ever been to the Pacific Northwest? Is there a place on the coast of Western Washington that you love? I would absolutely love to hear from you! Any tips, any guidance would be warmly welcomed.