Ordering From the Menu

"I am always in quest of being open to what the universe will bring me.”

What’s on your menu?

What menu, you may be asking?

The Universal Menu!

That’s right. This wild and wonderful Universe has a menu!

Yes, you can order from that menu each and every day.

Whaaaat … You say?!?!

Yup. There’s a menu. A menu filled with every single goodie imaginable in this crazy, conscious cosmos we live in. Think of it as one gigantic, pulsating cosmic soup with unlimited ingredients and combinations.

There is a Universal Waiter at YOUR beck and call. She is waiting for you to place your order.

What exactly is it that you want this deliciously divine universe to bring to you?

Well, if you’re like most humans, you’re placing orders all the time. There’s one problem. Much of the time, these orders exist well below your conscious radar.

I was in the car with Jacqueline DePaul this weekend. It was a typical Seattle day which meant pouring buckets of rain, slippery highways and lots of time for chit chat in the car while running errands for upcoming photo shoots. It also meant time for some unexpected conversation. That’s when Jacqueline happened to mention a discussion she had with a friend recently. Her friend was thinking about moving from the area to “somewhere else.” Jacqueline asked her if she had placed her order with the “Universal Waiter.” It was a game the two of the loved to play.

A game I love to play!

Bingo! I was hooked. She was speaking my language.

Yes, there is a Universal Waiter.

This waiter exists in the cosmos, hoping to fill the orders, the desires that live inside of your heart.

Much of the time, the waiter is scurrying around trying to fill orders because that’s her job. Just like a waiter in a restaurant, she can’t just stand around and do nothing. If you aren’t super specific in choosing what you love on the menu, those tasty items that really float your boat, she’ll simply serve up whatever she can scavenge in the kitchen.

The Universal Waiter is waiting for direction … from YOU!

She cares about you. She wants you to be happy with what she serves up. Unfortunately, much of the time, we’re irritated at the menu items she puts in front of us, wondering where the heck they came from!

You have a menu in front of you. On that menu is an unlimited buffet of choices, everything you could ever imagine and desire is on that menu. The Universal Waiter is dying to dish it up for you. The thing is, this Universe works one way – via free will. The Universal Waiter can’t bring you your heart’s desires unless you place your order.

Ready to place your order?


Will you join me?

(Thanks for the divine inspo, Miss Jacqueline!)

Need More Moxie?! See all my Moxie On Monday's!

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