Manifest With Water

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”


It’s everywhere.

From Oprah to TikTok.

Desire is natural.

We all want something.

A wonderful relationship, greater abundance, a new home, a better job, and on and on it goes.

I spent a lot of time on Clubhouse last year. I burned out and decided to take a long break. What I heard there were a lot of Law of Attraction “experts” who weren’t really experts at all. I would do some research on them and see that they haven’t actually manifested much in reality. It was easy to see may of them were frauds. They were simply churning out tips from “The Secret.”

That’s why I’ve decided to share what I’ve learned in 30 plus years of mastering the inner world – mastering energy and manifestation.

It’s natural to want things.

You may have heard that “wanting” holds us back from “having.”

There’s some truth to that.

When we want something, we are saying that we don’t have what we want. In essence, when we want something badly, we tend to focus on the not having it part of the equation. 

In other words, sometimes the very feeling of wanting keeps us from the having of the very thing we want.

The way we get around being stuck in the wanting is to pretend, or “act as if,” we already have what we want.

Then, we get into the feeling of already having what we want.

Why is feeling so important?

When we want to attract something into our life, what we really want isn’t the thing.

What do we really want?

We want the feeling that “thing” will bring into our life!

Let’s take a relationship for example.

At the moment, you’re single. You miss having a partner, someone to talk to, someone to go out with at night. Someone to have great sex with.

What is it you really want?

You want that feeling of being in love!

You want the feeling of being loved!

The best way to do that is to generate those feelings inside of yourself. Remember what it feels like to be madly in love. Remember what it feels like to be loved.

I’ll let you in on a little secret! There is one way to amplify your power of attraction.

What is it?


Yes, water is an amplifier. Water magnifies any of your desires.

Here is a powerful way to amplify your power of attraction:

  1. Go to a body of water – a lake, a river, a pond – any body of water.
  2. Visualize what you want to attract into your life. Feel it with every one of your senses. – see it in detail, feel it, touch it, taste it. Embody the feeling of having it.
  3. Now, state your desire out loud. Allow the power of the water to amplify your desire.
  4. Let go and trust in the universe.
  5. Always state at the end – “this or something better for the highest good of all concerned.” The universe thinks so much bigger than our limited human minds. Allow it to work its magic in its own timing.

That’s it, Beauties. Try it for yourself.

I’ve always been attracted to water. I’m a mermaid at heart. Water has the power to cleanse, to heal and to magnify our energy.

Cheers Beauties! Here’s to getting what you want. What you really really want!

Need More Moxie?! See all my Moxie On Monday's!



Thanks for the post.


Thank you for reading!


I live near the ocean and I feel that energy. Thanks for the advice on how to channel it for positive changes.



Thank you for sharing, sister! The ocean is magical, isn’t it?


This is such fantastic advice! I will do this whenever I’m at the lake near our second home!


That is awesome, sister! Let me know how it goes!


First- I entirely agree. Most “manifesting teachers” are just trying to make a buck. Their advice is okay, but they leave a lot out. They also leave out the action part completey quite often.
And water… is interesting because even though I am not a “beach” person, I always relate to water. My greatest written metaphors and thoughts on life usually involve water. (Or breath).


Thank youk, Kevin. I always appreciate your insightful feedback. The New Age world is filled with not so spiritual people, I’ve found. I do love when I find the real ones!

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