Manhattan Beach, CA

“Slow is the new strong.” – Alo Yoga 

What if slow is the new strong?

Just like Fierce is the new Kind.

I was taking a yoga class the other day.

After two weeks off the mat and flat on my back in bed from the flu,

I couldn’t wait to return to my practice.

6 days in a row back on the mat helped me feel like me again.

It brought me back to me.

At the beginning of class, one of my favorite teachers, Jamie Horgan,

Shared this new philosophy: Slow is the new strong.

It was one of those moments when time came to a stand still.

Her words were like liquid gold

Pouring through my heart and soul.

I got it.

I mean – really got it.

Gobsmacking got it.

We are in transformational times.

We’re shifting paradigms and cultural belief systems.

The old paradigm was one of power and force.

The new paradigm is one of presence and letting go.

The new year brings with it a temptation to race to achieve all those New Year’s resolutions.

You know the pressure to do more, be more, have more.

The pressure to do better, be better, look better.

All those “I am not’s” that must be turned into “I am’s.”


Like today.

What if, we have it all wrong?

What if being strong isn’t about going faster, harder, and racing to the finish line?

What if being strong was slowing down?

What if slowing down allowed you to enjoy the journey rather than race toward the destination?

What if being gentle on yourself was the strongest thing you could do?

What if kindness and compassion and oodles of self-love made your heart strong and

Your presence magnetic?

Yoga isn’t about being strong. Not in the way we think of being strong.

It’s not about the poses.

Yoga is about union – the union of self.

You and you.

The real you.

It’s about creating space.

It’s about contracting and expanding

Just like our breath.

Breathe in

Breathe out.

It’s about the space between our thoughts.

It’s about the essence of mindfulness

And the beauty of wordlessness.

Moxie is about shifting paradigms.

It’s not being afraid to go against the tide.

It’s about letting go into surrender when

The fight becomes too much.

Too exhausting.

It’s about the journey and not the destination.

It’s about the power found in the present moment.

That juicy delicious present moment

The one

We tend to miss

When we race

When we force

When we speed up

Rather than

Slow down.

I was a runner.

A long distance runner.

I would run 10 to 15 miles a day.

Every day.

For 20 years.

Until my knees blew.

And I had to stop


From myself.

I’ve stopped running

Literally and metaphorically.

It’s the metaphorical part that matters most.

2020 is a new beginning.

A new year.

A new decade.

A time of transformation.

The irony?

Transformation speeds up

When we slow down.

When we slip into the present moment.

When we savor it

Relax into it

Breath by breath.

Breathe in

Breathe out.

Cheers Beauties … here’s to strong women …the strongest kind of women, the ones who know when it’s time to slow down.

I’m ready. Are you?

Need More Moxie?! See all my Moxie On Monday’s!

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Love this Song! Know every word! Oh yeah! Stronger Every Day!


Stronger every day!


This is beautiful. I do believe this year and beyond is about slowing down, being present and living in the precious moments we are given in a gift called life 💕✨🧘🏻‍♀️

Love you ~ Karen from Wear With Passion


Thank you for all the love sister. It means the world to me!

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